City "have made the PL uncompetitive"


Memorable, engaging, exciting, season enders, where it could have gone to any one of City, Liverpool or Arsenal. It's so engrained in the culture of our club that there are multiple memes about it.

Manchester City have, IMO, more or less defined the Premier League since 2009. Example being things like Transfer Deadline Day with the yellow ticker bar. Before the takeover, TDD was always a damp squib where they just reported on last minute transfers between League One clubs. After Takeover Day, media outlets have been hoping to capture that lightning in a bottle moment ever since and now TDD has become a staple of the Sky football coverage calendar.

Uncompetitive? City made the Premier League more engaging than Utd ever did or could. Utd made the Premier League about them winning it, City have made the Premier League season about who wins the Premier League!
As fans some may not like the following but in terms of Premier League entertainment it is an absolute fact that the PL is now much more popular globally, especially in the States, than ever before. It's not because of MUFC or Arsenal; it's not simply because of City to be frank but it is because of the entertainment created by opening up the League beyond the two, often negative style, clubs that dominated in the 90s and early 2000s. Chelsea have contributed, LCFC briefly did, LFC have fairly consistently in recent years, but mostly City have shown an attractive style of football that brings entertainment etc. Lots to it but it's clear. People want to see City.
I've made this point previously but it bears repeating. Rather than attacking City with an ongoing campaign of hostility, the PL should, in fact, be cherishing us as absolutely Integral to their current prosperity. Inevitably, the rise in our popularity is inextricably linked to that of the PL product (to use their favoured term). Do they really believe that the global appeal of the PL - and, with it, their income - hasn't been boosted exponentially by City's success in the modern era? While yes, we've been dominant in terms of trophies won, those successes have often been fantastic box office for a worldwide football audience both in terms of last gasp title wins and, more generally, our swashbuckling style of play.
The only time where we 'allegedly' made it boring was the 100 points season - to be fair we smashed everyone that year and only a f*ck up against the rags stopped us winning the League in March (ISTR) - every other season its gone to the wire (or at worst the last 2 or 3 games of the season). That is NOT a set of boring seasons.
I've made this point previously but it bears repeating. Rather than attacking City with an ongoing campaign of hostility, the PL should, in fact, be cherishing us as absolutely Integral to their current prosperity. Inevitably, the rise in our popularity is inextricably linked to that of the PL product (to use their favoured term). Do they really believe that the global appeal of the PL - and, with it, their income - hasn't been boosted exponentially by City's success in the modern era? While yes, we've been dominant in terms of trophies won, those successes have often been fantastic box office for a worldwide football audience both in terms of last gasp title wins and, more generally, our swashbuckling style of play.
And let's be honest if the PL was serious about level playing fields and all of that there are so many things they could do which I'm sure City will support. Maybe things like a limit to how much all clubs can spend each transfer window, thereby encouraging clubs to invest in youth instead; maybe salary caps; maybe have US style merchandise operations so that each club benefits equally etc. I'm not saying I support any of those but there are steps the PL could do to improve competitiveness and allow the best run smaller clubs to compete more if they want to. Remember when gate receipts used to be shared? Then Utd, LFC, Spurs, Everton, Arsenal and others (pretty certain Swales was in there for this) decided it was unfair that the more popular clubs were subsidising the less popular clubs.
And let's be honest if the PL was serious about level playing fields and all of that there are so many things they could do which I'm sure City will support. Maybe things like a limit to how much all clubs can spend each transfer window, thereby encouraging clubs to invest in youth instead; maybe salary caps; maybe have US style merchandise operations so that each club benefits equally etc. I'm not saying I support any of those but there are steps the PL could do to improve competitiveness and allow the best run smaller clubs to compete more if they want to. Remember when gate receipts used to be shared? Then Utd, LFC, Spurs, Everton, Arsenal and others (pretty certain Swales was in there for this) decided it was unfair that the more popular clubs were subsidising the less popular clubs.
Look at how Spains salary cap works, hardly a level playing field is it.

It drives me mad! Before yesterday's Arsenal game the handover to the match on R5L talked about how things had changed and how it was so important for Arsenal to win because any gap now means that Pep's City will walk away with it and make an unassailable lead before Christmas as 'they usually do!' But, but, but.... most of our League titles have been won on the last day of the season!

I wrote this in May and feel we'll need to keep reminding people of the facts not the fiction:

Oh and this will be useful too for when they start banging on about the gap between top and bottom is so great because of big bad MCFC (facts, facts, facts!):

These arseholes don't deal in facts.

Facts are inconvenient.

Look at the facts & any sensible person will see that City have been an exciting, positive and dynamic force for the PL.

Informed international observers and fans are utterly bemused by the decade of attacks and denigration of City.

They believe we should be beatified for the quality of our football and character of players & coach.

Great Britain isn't Great it's fucked !!
All the top clubs have had a chance to invest in their team. Gooners under Wenger refused to open the purse strings, Dippers and Chelsea have spent a ton and we all know the rags have wasted an obscene amount on absolute garbage. The difference is City have looked both short and long term. We created a supreme business model with a vision that enticed the best coach in the world making us the most watched team on the planet playing the best football. And its partly due to Peps influence that the PL is now much more competitive. That never happened back in the so called "good old days'. Any team on their day can turn any other team over. You have to be "on" it every week.
Informed international observers and fans are utterly bemused by the decade of attacks and denigration of City.

They believe we should be beatified for the quality of our football and character of players & coach.
It is interesting that I quite often do interviews with overseas media and, unless the journalist is a dedicated fan of LFC, MUFC or AFC and makes a living from that connection (even then it's a personal choice), they tend to have a much more healthy and positive view of City. They are often baffled by the negativity and surprised that fans of other English clubs do not understand the history of it all.

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