frosty88 said:
This is the Europa trip I'm most keen on making - mostly because it's on my birthday and the Juve trip sounds like a bit of a damp squib with the small stadia and the lack of alcohol available in Turin.

This does seem a little pricey though and I am a poor student so has anyone made any similar travel arrangements for less that they could share on here?

Cheers in advance!
You pay for what you get mate .so if you want a well organised trip with hundreds of fellow blues go for it .if you want the hassle & mither of sorting it out yourself & the stress of a Counntry you dont speak the lingo to save a few bob & with no come back if it goes tits up .well i know what i would do
cyberblue said:
frosty88 said:
This is the Europa trip I'm most keen on making - mostly because it's on my birthday and the Juve trip sounds like a bit of a damp squib with the small stadia and the lack of alcohol available in Turin.

This does seem a little pricey though and I am a poor student so has anyone made any similar travel arrangements for less that they could share on here?

Cheers in advance!
You pay for what you get mate .so if you want a well organised trip with hundreds of fellow blues go for it .if you want the hassle & mither of sorting it out yourself & the stress of a Counntry you dont speak the lingo to save a few bob & with no come back if it goes tits up .well i know what i would do
How much do these pay you, all i ever see is you trying to persuade people onto their trips! I'm not saying don't they are probably good but i've gone for the cheaper do it yourself route on this one getting a night out in berlin aswell
It's simple, if you want an organised trip and you are on a work/personal life time limit this is your best bet.
Sure you can have a good time doing it your own way, and probably a lot cheaper.
However give the guys a break, would you work for free? I think not.
I've never been on one of spikes trips but I've heard they are a good laugh and worth the money.
If you want to go your own way then fair play
6 of us going
Fly from liverpool £57 rtn on wed 5-30pm
Hotel for 6 of us In Berlin 140 euros and a piss up wed night in Berlin.
Train from Berlin 8am thus 60 euros, its a 4 hour train journey but at least we get to poznan for 12-1pm ish. The direct train at 12-30 doesn't arrive in pozanan till 3-30 which just isn't good enough !
Nights stay in poznan about £20 each.
Then the direct train on fri at 9-30am to berlin. We don't fly till about 10pm fri night but we have a full day in berlin and as there is a few brickies going we might help rebuild a wall that day.......
Like all things it's down to personal preferences. I enjoy the getting there as much as the arriving, so I'd always make my own (circuitous) routes (except if it's Galatasary). I've never been on one of Spike's trips but know people who have and they come highly recommended, to it's all down what you want. They may look a little expensive but there is also an element of risk - if they don't sell all the places presumably they take the financial hit. And why would you do this for no reward. No point in complaining, just don't book or take the trouble to make your own arrangements.
mcfcjosh said:
cyberblue said:
You pay for what you get mate .so if you want a well organised trip with hundreds of fellow blues go for it .if you want the hassle & mither of sorting it out yourself & the stress of a Counntry you dont speak the lingo to save a few bob & with no come back if it goes tits up .well i know what i would do
How much do these pay you, all i ever see is you trying to persuade people onto their trips! I'm not saying don't they are probably good but i've gone for the cheaper do it yourself route on this one getting a night out in berlin aswell
Good for you each to there own please point out where i was trying to persuade anyone to go on the trip to Poznan
I did the Poznan-Berlin when going to watch City in Groclin and Rangers in Amica Wronki, A top trip and Berlin is tops, Dont miss the train as only one a day to reach the match,
All the best to all travellers and be safe.
cyberblue said:
mcfcjosh said:
How much do these pay you, all i ever see is you trying to persuade people onto their trips! I'm not saying don't they are probably good but i've gone for the cheaper do it yourself route on this one getting a night out in berlin aswell
Good for you each to there own please point out where i was trying to persuade anyone to go on the trip to Poznan
The whole post was, i'm not having a dig at the trip organisers in anyway just you, in every thread they do you are telling other people why any other route is shit and you have to do it this way
mcfcjosh said:
cyberblue said:
Good for you each to there own please point out where i was trying to persuade anyone to go on the trip to Poznan
The whole post was, i'm not having a dig at the trip organisers in anyway just you, in every thread they do you are telling other people why any other route is shit and you have to do it this way
Pease show tell or point out where i say other routes are shit & "you have to do it this way" i was merley expresing my opinion of travel in Poland & going to Poznan from experience. if i thought going with Spikes trip from experience was shit believe me i would say so .as i said each to there own

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