City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

16 September

Could Man City claim damages?
Simon Stone, BBC Sport chief football news reporter
Manchester City could be eligible to claim for damages on earnings lost as a result of the tribunal's findings.
On page 163, it outlines 'declaratory relief, injunctive relief and damages' can be sought.
This, potentially is a financial problem for the Premier League depending on whether City pursue a claim – which they have indicated they will - and what the size of it is.

16 September

Could Man City claim damages?
Simon Stone, BBC Sport chief football news reporter
Manchester City could be eligible to claim for damages on earnings lost as a result of the tribunal's findings.
On page 163, it outlines 'declaratory relief, injunctive relief and damages' can be sought.
This, potentially is a financial problem for the Premier League depending on whether City pursue a claim – which they have indicated they will - and what the size of it is.
Imagine the piss boiling if a deal is cut to drop the 115 charges for a £1 compo claim.

The weird thing is I and probably most of us would also be gutted if we did that though.
The question I have is that if the tribunal have found certain aspects of the PSR and APT rules to be unlawful, how did this come to pass ?

The PL had sought legal advice before drafting the rules , were they implemented despite the legal advice or was the legal advice simply wrong
The law isn't simply black and white and can be interpreted differently by different experts. Even this panel of 3 expert ex judges didn't agree on all points. The CAS panel wasn't in total agreement. We often see verdicts in one court overturned in another.
So, under the current rules 0% shareholder loans are accepted but they are now unlawful.

A few clubs will need to factor in FMA interest rates into their PSR.

We’re told an easy solution to this is to turn those loans into equity - if that shareholder has the appetite to do so (which is a big assumption).

So my question is, are shareholders now allowed to pump equity into a club, regardless of how much and, if so, is there anything stopping our owners from doing the same?

I haven’t a clue and would love some clarity on that if someone on here knows the answer
In a nutshell yes, that's exactly how Mansour invests in our club.
Is there an easy summary of our challenges that were not upheld?

It's a bit like a scattergun. Deadly effective even if most bullets miss.
As for rival fans and forums, don't take any notice (I know it's hard) because generally they are absolutely clueless most of this is well above their collective heads, they have the lynch mob mentality they don't understand the concept of justice and legality basically it pains me to say this but they are as numb as a box of spanners, and even if they were sat down and had it all explained to them they would still say the same things because it's part of their belief system

As for the media reports people need to remember the strange parasitic relationship the media have with the PL they need each other, hence the media spin in favour of the PL
I see the Premier League have "confirmed" that existing shareholder loans won't be included in modified ATP rules - but existing sponsorship deals will be included.
The chances of another court case not happening are thus vanishingly small I would imagine.
The chances of this additional court case being sucessful would also be near 100%
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It is a whopper as you say, just like him. I'm sure we'll see plenty more articles like this over the next few days as the ant City PR bandwagon revs up. It's a tad frustrating that the masses fall for it, but Harris and co know their audience. They can spin it how they want, but ultimately the victory is ours.
Another reporter who didn’t report any details of the actual Judgement. How strange that he has not included any comments from the Judges!

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