City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

The suggestion amongst a few Chelsea supporters is that we have a couple of sponsorship deals stuck in process linked to Clearlake’s client base whilst not quite APT you may recall that the PL blocked a significant front of shirt deal that we had negotiated with Paramount + that was blocked
Yet some how you managed to get the stupid Hotel and Affinity Athletic deal
I can't comment on the legal sector publications/sites as I have no experience of them, but my eyes were opened quite a bit on trade journalism when I had to engage with it in my own sector. Not all but a significant number of people involved were both vacuous and lazy, their main goal was to generate copy with as little effort as possible and with little to no diligence. Consequently the ease with which you could get complete bollocks out into the marketplace was utterly depressing.
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I’m sure Stefan doesn’t need anyone to defend him but people also need to appreciate that he’s plainly a cautious individual, which I expect is a characteristic that has served him well professionally over the yearsI think some people are expecting him to be something he’s not, which is a ridiculous expectation quite frankly.

He’s simply playing his natural game and shouldn’t be criticised for it.
He's the Bernado Silva we need not the Darwin Nunez we want
So the media is getting what they want out of this and that's smearing our name, I have just lost it with my boss who wanted to talk about this ruling and started out by saying "city had broken the APT rules and had to prove that they hadn't and that this ruling shows that they didn't", he stated he had read the BBC and Telegraph coverage of this and that's what he garnered from their "coverage". I explained, after calming down, that we challenged the amendments, we had not broken any rules and that we had actually potentially lost 2 sponsorship deals because of this and that we could sue. The look on his face was delightful. He then started harping on about the charges, to which I basically told him to go and read the charges before bringing that up as if he is basing his views on the media then its completely inaccurate.

When do you leave ? :)
It doesn't say that.

It says "The League has said it will be easy to update the APT rules by way of club vote to comply with these technical and procedural issues that the tribunal pointed out. City argues that all the rules are now unenforceable and it is for the tribunal in a subsequent hearing to decide this, not the Premier League’s 20 clubs."
So again, it’s bollocks and leaves all avenues open, pure speculation on what is and will be a landmark case, further rulings by the IC to come, this will be what’ll defines APT.

Really disappointed in your views on this, not because they go against what most City fans want, but you seem to be scrambling around looking for back up to your initial views on the APT, which as yet are and were incorrect.

P.S. I don’t expect you to be to disheartened with my disapproval ;)
And the phrase "red cartel" is now in everyone's head. Big win.

Will enough clubs support any new rules if the first question is, "Would we spend millions defending in court these rules designed to help the red cartel?"?
Paddy Power used ‘Red Cartel’ in one of their videos to mock this very website and the City fans on it once, portraying us as paranoid and stupid.

Now it’s starting to creep into every day use.

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