The media are loving all this aren't they...consistently peddling anti-city articles that is their to create tension, hatred, envy and whatever name you want to give it.
These articles also including blatant racist undertones that have created the phrase 'dirty arab oil money' - as to propose that any money or wealth coming from the Gulf is illegitimate, especially in western society
You peddle a story consistently it becomes adopted by the masses - and that is what is happening/happened
I read a comment this morning elsewhere, about how City were a nothing club 15 years ago and how the team of the poster played us off the park! And the comment went on to say how what has happened at our club could happen at a huddersfield or other low level league team - so this person wants us and other clubs to remain a "nothing" club, whilst the established cartel clubs continue mopping up trophies - that is just a tribal fan point of view that cant accept our success =- so be it
But the tactics and continued narrative of the so-called sports media in the UK has a hell of a lot of blame on their shoulders. And although that may not have an adverse effect on the CFG dealings, it does have a huge impact on the fanbase