Hallelujah, we've put up with shite from the Premier league and their paymasters the red 'istree clubs for years , well done to our club for standing against the actions of Richard Masters and company , hopefully the Barcodes ,Chelsea and others who have been on the recieving end of the agenda driven decisions from the premier league will stand beisde us, although i won't hold my breath.
The Premier maube now will realise they have bitten off more than they can chew ,the 115 charges are not going to be tolerated and we are not going down without a fight.
If we do win this court case against realated sponsorships and their values then we will have the Masters and his cohorts on the run , they are either going to have to back down or go the whole hog and go for us , we have bared our teeth and our not going to meekly give in and take a "pinch" like we did with UEFA , let the battle commence