City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

I always remember after a piece interviewing Garry Cook about City's project she was back on camera and simply said "Deluded" before changing the subject. Spoke too soon there didn't you?
This is possibly one of the reasons so many media people hate us.
At the time around and shortly after the takeover and the words spoken by Cook, Buzzer et al, about City and the future, they all laughed, denigrated, ‘deluded’ and trotted out the lines of ‘sheikh will get bored’, ‘never be better than united/liverpool/arsenal/chelsea’.
It was probably the 2012 aguero moment that, once digested, they realised that all that they had said was not going to happen, had happened and would continue happening at an accelerating rate away from their darlings.
That complete collective cock-up of opinion is a hard thing to swallow. They could have held their hands up and gone ‘yep we are idiots’, but they couldn’t, they couldn’t face up to the facts and their past spouting of bollox, so they doubled down and went nuclear on the negative.
A bit of media humility back in 2012 and it could have been an entirely different story presented, but they chose to be a vindictive pack of liars instead.
Horrible reaction on twitter with Liverpool fans in particular wanting City to be liquidated and openly hoping for City fans to die.

Can't wait for their reaction to FEED THE SCOUSERS next season
I went onto RAWK last night and it was a sight to behold with every poster calling us cheats on every level.
Did I get upset ??
Not a fucking chance.
I love their salty tears and would gladly bottle it and sell it on, aka Del Boy with the spring water episode.
Keep it coming you scouse mard arses as theres more to come.
I went onto RAWK last night and it was a sight to behold with every poster calling us cheats on every level.
Did I get upset ??
Not a fucking chance.
I love their salty tears and would gladly bottle it and sell it on, aka Del Boy with the spring water episode.
Keep it coming you scouse mard arses as theres more to come.
they are fucking repugnant
If you notice. The fake reason for bringing in FFP now never gets a mention.
To stop clubs getting into financial difficulties like Leeds did etc.
It’s blatantly morphed into stopping the spending of oil state clubs.
They don’t even try to hide it now.
I do wonder what would happen if an Elon Musk, Facebook, Google etc took over a club and had similar success. Could argue these companies have similar levels of political power as the UAE. But yeah, FFP is bollocks.
a dipper messaged me this morning saying we obviously know we are guilty or we wouldnt be counter suing.he kept on and on and on and finally said wont you be disgusted if your found guilty.i replied no mate why should i be disgusted about us spending money i mean its not as if we have murdered 39 italians now that i would be disgusted by.not heard since off him
Just give them one statement:
Funded by Terrorism, causing fatalities at games, attacking team coaches, illegally hacking databases, booing National Anthem.

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