City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

Yeah same, I'm juat saying, I see his point (a couple here suggested similar themselves, based purely on how people read what is available). And, it is his opinion which he is entitled to.

It’s fair to say I hope he’s wrong. :-) (for once)
Didn't the Times article say that the PL had shared it with all 19 clubs to get their input before the hearing?
Don't remember that. The Times claimed that 10 to 12 clubs might be witnesses for the PL. I can't imagine anything more stupid if the PL did share City's confidential legal documents with all the PL clubs (who are all our commercial rivals). The issue has always been that some (but not all) club Directors have been kept in the loop throughout the case.
Don't remember that. The Times claimed that 10 to 12 clubs might be witnesses for the PL. I can't imagine anything more stupid if the PL did share City's confidential legal documents with all the PL clubs (who are all our commercial rivals). The issue has always been that some (but not all) club Directors have been kept in the loop throughout the case.

the PL just doing as they are told by the hierarchy
I think its relatively clear what City mean by the 'majority of tyranny" stuff.
Clearly the redshirted shithouses have been cajoling the lesser lights in the league every time a vote to implement the next raft of anti-city rules into existence.
As sure as eggs are eggs there will have been veiled threats of refusal of loan players, or carrots of more loan players on agreeable terms and plenty of cosying up and promises of favours etc to get them to vote in favour of these shitty rules that punish us and or Newcastle and have little effect on others.
The indication of damages must relate to the PL having already kiboshed one or more deals that CIty have put through their system under these new Associated Party Rules whilst likely allowing one of the yank owners to sail through with similar size of sponsorships.
Democratic voting is all well and good unless it is being manipulated by a cohort of clubs with a jointly vested interest.
I really don't know my arse from my elbow, as a rule, 20th Century Doctor Who excepted!

However it's pretty standard not to comment on ongoing legal matters so I think we'll keep our powder dry for when we're up before the beak!

Standard Chartered's MO has been an open secret since the early 2000s, typical yellow reporting on this. The contrast with how this would have been reported if these were our sponsors.............

It's beggars belief that it's a coincidence that the story of City seeking legal redress against sponsorship rules that appear to be illegal come out on the same day as the latest revelations about the dippers despicable sponsors. The idea is untenable, logic points to a leak.

Who gains from this?

Not us, CFG always do their talking behind closed doors, the whole ham fisted times article has a noticeable antipathy towards City.

Who have a track record in leaking like a tart's knickers, during uefa, during CAS and during the PL's present witch hunt?

Perhaps someone who wants to deflect attention from the own sordid sponsors?!? Trouble is, even us twats in Blue Moon's finest can see through their desperate last throw of the dice.

Far from being an intimidating tactic to put us in our subservient place, it's a transparent ploy. I'm guessing legal types won't take kindly to confidentiality being so easily disregarded.

Putting 2+2 together and making 5, to me it seems the noises about the 115 aren't sounding promising for the cartel. There's a limit where eventually even the most gammon of gammons is going to stop saying - 115 they must be guilty of something!!!!!!

Also remember Brummie prat sam lee saying that either Ferran or Twixi were jokingly referred to as "the terrorists???? This was at a gathering of Premier League Directors, I think.

Is that because they as Spanish citizens didn't have pale skin / eyes / hair like their British/American counterparts?! Bit of a stretch, you say?

Maybe it's easier to call these people "terrorists" as they work for people from a Gulf State? Either way, dog whistle racism, presented as a joke.

We have yet another epic battle to fight, amongst many. We simply can't afford to lose. I do trust in the people who run our club and they are very smart, compared to those hellbent on trying to destroy us.

City till I die.
Don't remember that. The Times claimed that 10 to 12 clubs might be witnesses for the PL. I can't imagine anything more stupid if the PL did share City's confidential legal documents with all the PL clubs (who are all our commercial rivals). The issue has always been that some (but not all) club Directors have been kept in the loop throughout the case.
Re read the claim regarding the 10-12 clubs it states them 10-12 are either a witness for us or the prem
Is there any aspect of the press or broadcast media that sits on any other side of the fence?
It's not in their interest to sit on any side of the fence other than that of the red tops side.

The media in this country have been so embroiled with the likes of the rags, Liverpool and Arsenal for so long that they cannot imagine a future without them.

The British Broadcasting media and written press is limping to its own demise. Times are changing and the old guard is losing its grip.

Their sole purpose is to set the narrative in the vain hope that they can stop MCFC and drive us out of the league. This so called negative press is about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.

The club is going from strength to strength, the trophy haul is growing annually and the fan base is spreading expediently.

The only people who don't like us (apart from those in the media) are the Rags, Dippers and tarquins.

My guess is we're we're doing just fine. The narrative however, would have you believe otherwise.
I don’t know. It makes sense, but Stefan seems to indicate it may be Newcastle.

It might have been put up already, but does anyone have a list of the teams that voted against the new rule in February?
hard to find on google but this article reckons Villa, City and Utd voted against and Chelsea abstained?


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