City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

Somebody pointed out that this should have been confidential between City and the Premier League and its members.
So somebody leaked this to the media and It backs City in the claim that some clubs have a vendetta and will do anything it takes to mud our name.

If it's true and it was leaked to the media by a club member on the Premier League board then they should be removed from their role within the Premier League. Now does this have a bearing on the hearing with the independent panel, Was it done to to throw a spanner in the works and scare the other members to vote for City.
Could help as evidence for the non-cooperation charges and why we lacked trust with the PL.
If city lose both cases and they relegate us then can we not refuse to play in the EFL and up sticks and join the super leauge with Madrid and Barca??

I could imagine a scenario where we join the super leauge leaving the red tops behind and after a few years they see it’s a better leauge and then regret not joking us and want to try and muscle into are super leauge lol,
Good grief. We do seem to have more than our fair share of the village unhinged, on here.
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Had an arrogant Rag on about it today saying we'll ruin the PL. Just told him to fuck off.
We ruined the premier league for the red cunts when Sergio scored in 93:20.

Let’s not pretend anything introduced since then is fair.

Tyranny by the majority due to Middle East money. Yet we all heat our homes with dirty Russian, American and Saudi oil. That’s ok tho as it’s not sport.

The people who lead the world right now in government and sporting institutions are nothing short of an abomination. They don’t represent me nor speak for me in anyway.

I can recognise greed and power when I see it and that is what we are witnessing aided by a willing media to bombard us with lies and innuendos.

City have every right to challenge a rule set up to hamper growth. City also have every right to defend themselves against a corrupt premier league.

I am proud that we stand up to bullies. We ain’t Snow White and I am sure we have bent plenty of rules but no more or no less than anyone else.

The red clubs need to get over themselves. You tried and failed. How do I know this?…

4 titles in a row.

Stand proud in the face of a dictatorship dressed up as democracy city. The media reporting on this again is shameful.
I have a lovely member of my team and I went to see her down south for work. Normally would stay at a hotel but stayed at hers. Jeez her fella is a Liverpool fan, from fucking Plymouth, and was grilling me about how far Preston is from Manchester and 115 (with no particular question just mentioning without context) I was like …I have just met you..I am your wifes boss…STFU your a Liverpool fan from PLYMOUTH
If my wife's boss was staying over I think 115 but be the least of my concerns!
Arsenal shot JFK - they play at tge Libraey which is a book repository!
I have it on good authority that Lee Harvey Oswald was wearing sky blue socks that faithful day and as he was arrested he could be heard muttering ‘fuck ffp’ and something about a ‘muffin’ ; )
More bullshit being printed.

The amount of negative stories over the last 24 hours is unreal.

The latest take.

Clubs are losing their shit apparently. Hmmm.

The last sentence is a cracker.

“We might as well walk away…..

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Good. We fucked them up on the pitch fair and square. Now lets fuck them up off the pitch. It's about time.
Odious club and fan base, imagine taking defeat so badly, it really is the most pathetic response imaginable.

Fucking wankers. Arsenal are probably one of the worst and have threw the Rwanda toys out of the pram because we are just better at winning titles. Letters and now this… tyranny for the majority is spot on.

Let’s all witness the majority rule with unprecedented bias.

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