City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

They work their own rules out as they go along and still fail to qualify so now want it scrapped ( or delayed toll they do qualify )

Can't remember where I've come across that behaviour before
The PFA are taking FIFA to court over the overloaded work of players and the legality of the players getting a three week break which is a requirement anyway.
Fuck FIFA and UEFA.
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They aren’t arsed about English teams being successful in Europe, they only care about their cash cow of tv money coming in world wide. They won’t reduce the size of the league as it’s less games to show and sell and they sure as hell don’t help top teams out with scheduling during the knock out stages as they are normally right in the middle of chasing the Premier League title. Meaning they will be playing Sunday with less rest than the likes of what Madrid or Barcelona get.
Can’t disagree with any of this,but why can’t they see that having a PL team win the CL,can only add to the appeal and standing of what is already the most lucrative league in the world!?I can’t make any sense of it all….
Only cos it now suits them. Before their latest owners they were just like the rest. Now they are being screwed over on investment and sponsorships they are starting to understand
Never too late to change sides LOL - the tide is turning
The problem for the Cartel is they're all loaded up with debt and can't compete with a relatively debt free organisation. (Hence the UEDA 70% spending rule). And now a similar rule for the rest of the Prem - even though they don't have UEFA competition cash.
Mr K has been confident that the City business model will prove to be superior to our rivals for some years now.
It helps of course to win Trophies etc but when all of the Clubs lost their attendance income stream during Covid it certainly helped to be debt free.
Resting on one's laurels and becoming cash cows makes for financial trouble if a knowledgeable, long term, serious invester enters the golden goose split.
They await our owners profit taking rather than realizing he is growing his global empire.
Really no way back for them to give Sheikh M such a lead so discredit his achievements and keep changing their biased rules.
Can't blame them really.
They need to start afresh with the financial rules, and the first line should be a commitment that all clubs must be debt free within the next 10 years.

I cant believe how little is made of the fact that FFP was initally muted under the guise of stopping clubs going bust, debt management being a huge part to this. Instead it has become all about stopping money coming into the league for certain clubs.

While I dont like people using the Race card, you do have to question why every single modification to the rules has been to target us.
Can’t disagree with any of this,but why can’t they see that having a PL team win the CL,can only add to the appeal and standing of what is already the most lucrative league in the world!?I can’t make any sense of it all….

Champions league isn’t important compared to the gravy train of the Premier League. The tv companies want Premier League games more than champions league, there’s so many nothing games in the group stages which is why Uefa are playing round with the format again.

There’s a reason why the likes of Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus want a Super League as they can’t get the tv revenues the Premier League demands from broadcasters. Florentino Perez etc will be rubbing their hands at all this infighting as it pushes the teams in red towards the super league if Richard Masters and his mates don’t curtail City.
The puppet Masters should be fucking ashamed of himself, Everton and Forest escaped relegation by the skin of their teeth season just gone, points deducted through the disgusting rules and regulations that he endorsed, almost nearly finished Everton as a football club, Forest another club , wanting to invest in themselves to climb the PL ladder. All we have heard off the fans of both clubs "what about City?" If the penny hasn't dropped for both of those clubs then it never will. The January transfer window has become largely a non event, clubs looking over there shoulders with an eye on June 30th , clubs shitting themselves , selling players below market value to stay on the right side of sanctions. Its an absolute fucking disgrace tbh. The shit would have really hit the fan if either of those clubs had been relegated through point reductions. You can bet Masters was relieved that neither club went down. Their is a root and branch trimming of overheads at United , even that shower of shit are panicking, if the stories are true that potential suitors turned down the job because of no real pot to buy players with then that says it all, and it still wouldn't surprise me in the slightest that scruffy Jim is siding with City on this, or put it this way, it could be just that he's a shit house who cant be seen to be siding with City because of the almighty, superior standing that he thinks his club still has, they need sponsors and revenue more than any club in the league, there are only so many noodle sponsors you can have to keep the wolf away from the door. Associated sponsorship might be our problem today, but you can 100% be sure it will be uniteds problem tomorrow.
I'm no expert but aren't uniteds backers essentially invisible? Hedge funds/investors/shareholders could all have connections to a rag sponsor.

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