City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

I hope the Premier League are so ill equipped it will be like trying to defend a Tomahawk missile with a bow and arrow, they really are "Robin" bastards, Friar Tuck the lot of them.
Bang on Hammo , honestly don’t think they’ve ever took the club with respect in how we go about things it’s a different entity from what they and their friends go about things City have announced it’s the real deal and game on.
Shitting Labrador comes into mind with the PL on this one .
Imagine if city had hard proof that the rules were changed because they were discriminating against gulf ownership.
A leaked email perhaps. Maybe several witnesses who are no longer with those hateful 8.
We could blow the whole lid off this
It's absolutely nailed on this is the yanks vs the middle east.
It's got the racist undertones going right through it like writing in a stick of rock.
This time the frustration with the Americans is that they can't carpet bomb Middle Eastern countries and pinch their oil.
Anyone think the dippers have leaked this to try and get the news away from their gun running bank sponsor ?
Totally. Fucking stinks of scouse shithousery of the highest order.

Liverpool FC - supported by murderers, followed by grief hungry cultists, victory parading on anniversary of a tragedy they caused but deny responsibility, sponsored by a terrorist funding bank. Could you ever get a more classless club than that.
Whether that’s true or not, you just know that’s the optics that are going to be even more amplified in the media now.

Not sure I’m liking this at all.

Just me perhaps. Not sure I can take much more of this.

I liked football when it was just a game.
This case hasn't just been brought against the Premier League, it was brought after the rule change in February. So in my opinion it has nothing to do with the main case . Journalists linking the two and saying City are doing this because we are trying to distract from the '115' are being disingenuous .
We have laws in this country that are totally opposite to your gut reaction

Bear in mind when you reply to comments posted 3/4 hours ago that we got the information in drips and drabs so @Alan Harper's Tash may have like me been operating on the assumption we were challenging the whole associated parties rule that’s been in place for a decade.

At that point I thought it was sounding like a long shot, but if it’s just rolling back the broadening of the rules past the standard legal definition of associated parties, as people seem to think it is, then it sounds a lot more winnable even with the limited info available to us.
Certainly it is unclear. The Times is behind a paywall but the Guardian reports that "according to the Times, an independent tribunal has been convened for next week to hear it (City's case). The use of the word "tribunal" doesn't suggest a court. On the other hand it doesn't sound like an independent commission if it seems to have the power to award damages, though perhaps such powers would not be unprecedented. It does sound a mess that a hearing is going to consider the validity of a kind of sponsorship deal which exists only in PL financial regulations. Either way I think City's chances of a favourable ruling are high since PL rules are governed by English law.

I am juat going by what makes sense. No point taking a legal case agains the PL, to the PL. Hardly some big 'fight' it is made out to be then, more of a whimper of a complaint. Surely if it is a legal challenge, it is beyond the PL then.
Just a quick question to those who are disappointed in our club taking this action.
What would you have them do instead? Would you have them meekly accept that our commercial and sporting rivals - an executive of one of which who has apparently made, let’s be charitable here, “discriminatory noises” about our club and executive team/ownership - should also have the right to decide how much sponsorship City are allowed to have? And from whom it should come?

We have tried that for 16 years and been progressively and repeatedly slapped down by the PL. Over and over again.

What more could the club do without finally resorting to the law? How many more insults should they accept? How many more sponsorships should they see go begging on account of the PL’s blatant racism (at worst) or protectionism (at best)?

How many more times should our executive team see their efforts to build this team, this club, this deprived area of Manchester and all its’ inhabitants up to world class standards be stymied because they are too brown/too Muslim/too good at it whilst our rivals see much bigger deals being waived through on a nod, a wink, a straight arm salute?

Win or lose this action I for one am more than proud of my clubs actions today. I’m humbled by it.

We didn’t start this fight. We tried to stop it ever becoming a fight. We tried to be decent and professional about it. We failed because we were never going to be allowed to succeed.

Thst is what the law is for. And I am glad, proud, and relieved that this club, my club, our club, have finally said “Enough. This far and not one step further”

If that makes no marks and twats on social media give you a hard time, stand up and fight for your club.
They’re fighting for you.
Great post

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