City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

If true, that really does surprise me, whether or not the premier league chair persons already know what the outcome is.

If the significant issues raised have been ruled in City's favour then, if I was an EPL club chairman, I would want to know if City are going to take action for perceived lost revenue due to the rules, or if any other club will do so, e.g. Newcastle. I would also want to know if City have been awarded any of their costs for this hearing. Ultimately any money subsequently won by City (or others) can only come out of the Premier League prize pot?

If the significant issues have gone against City I would want a brief on what the next steps are in relation to PSR developments.

Either way, if the outcome has been relayed to us and the Premier League then I really would have expected some sort of update at today's meeting from Masters
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I may have phrased that a bit wrong.

I don't really care where its coming from but i still agree the idea on having some rules from Etihad or similar sponsoring the left sock of every player for a billion quid a season etc. There's should be a middle ground in there that doesn't fuck everything up imo.

I also get the 'well fuck em' side as well, coz why not.

The Premier League invited outside investment into their clubs and look how far the league has taken off worldwide It is also the best league and shown in more countries than other leagues,

Stopping owners from investing in their clubs and making up rules to suit the so-called elite goes to show they don't like a fair fight, History is now the biggest thing they can flog and try and batter us with, But again Manchester City are building our history to add to what we already had, So again Trying to stop us in 20 years times calling us the best club in the world with history 2nd to none.
Impossible to say until we know the nature of "the win". Presuming it just relates to the recent changes to the APT rules being dropped, rather than the APT rules being completely scrapped in their entirety.
Weren’t we ok with the original APT rules, it was the later amendments that we objected to

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