City reach agreement with Rubin Kazan for Ansaldi (SIGNED?)

christen at St Marks said:
Cristian Ansaldi will fl y in this week to complete a £6m move to Manchester City. His Russian club Rubin Kazan finally agreed a deal last night to allow the left-back to join City. Star and Mirror
Why only the Star and Mirror? Not yet convinced, but hoping that Mancini was being clever when saying earlier that he had rejected the deal. Perhaps he made them an offer they couldn't refuse, capish?
lionheart said:
christen at St Marks said:
Cristian Ansaldi will fl y in this week to complete a £6m move to Manchester City. His Russian club Rubin Kazan finally agreed a deal last night to allow the left-back to join City. Star and Mirror
Why only the Star and Mirror? Not yet convinced, but hoping that Mancini was being clever when saying earlier that he had rejected the deal. Perhaps he made them an offer they couldn't refuse, capish?

Time will tell...mate :)

We need patience
i hope this transfer is a goer to be honest.i rate bridge but he does seem injury prone at times and as we are finding out we need a solid top class left back to fight for the place.garrido is more of a left mid/winger in my opinion coz his defending at times is shocking but he has a quality left foot!!! ansaldi is very highly rated and would be a solid signing and one that could progress and improve into a fantastic player for the quoted fee.come on city get it done!!!!
Reckon this is on myself. Don't know much about him at all, but he seems highly rated and I do trust Mancini to know a player - you only have to look at his record of signings at Inter to realise that.

So, if he does sign, will we have a 'list' for people who ripped into Ajay after Mancini's press conference? ;-) The guy clearly knows someone who knows someone (at the very least) and driving him away only makes Bluemoon a less interesting place. Sad really.
Has Bridge really been injury prone for us though? Only out at the moment cause a bloke went straight through him that should have been sent off for the tackle. Apart from this long injury, I can't think of too many injuries he has had that has kept him out. He's missed a game here and there but all players do.
Maybe we can have a list for the jealous bullies who hide behind keyboards picking holes in every bit of info from people like ajay. Get a life u losers your ruining this forum. First you drove spursmad away who was certainly ITK and now Ajay. Personally not sure whether he is WUM or ITK, but enjoyed reading them all the same. Rant over.
I still think our left sided defence problems lie not just with the full back.

Whoever plays there will need an understanding with the left sided CH, and the left sided midfielder/winger in front of him.

i dont think we have had that for while now.
Why would Mancini lie about it? Is it possible the Star is just guilty of really bad journalism (surely not!) and didn't even watch the press conference?

then again maybe he was lying because he didn't want to say yes before the deal was finalised....

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