City Square for Brighton match

Going to this. Can't imagine a better place to be if we win it (apart from at Brighton). Can't imagine a worse place to be if we don't!

They won't fuck this up, will they....
Is this really going to be paper tickets? If the ticket office can't handle 3000 match tickets with a month to do it then 7000 In 48 hours seems very ambitious.
no joke i and my kids dont want or need smoking near us and will be onto supporter services to make sure enforced
if you want to do that unsociable habit do in own house thank you
I like other smokers respect none-smokers,but folk today don,t just smoke bacca,so i would be wary off some who might offend you
By reporting them,it could get ugly(hope it doesn't)
I wont be there as am going to the game,but if we win,The finest Cubans will be out(puffing away)..

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