City Square = Rubbish

They're asking to see the tickets to make sure that no away fans are trying to get in and increase the potential for trouble - which is fair enough. I'd guess another reason is to ensure that anyone who causes trouble can be identified from their ticket - which should be in the holders name or the club should have been informed of the switch. They can then be kicked out and suitable action taken by the club.

Whilst it might seem a bit petty when you're waiting to get in, there is a good reason for doing it. I don't mind the short wait - not great when it's pissing down though!
alib said:
I arrived pre match yesterday with our kid at 2.05pm hoping to have a couple of pints pre match.

we walked to the enterance to be confronted by 4-5 security/bouncers asking us to join the back of a 30 yard queue!!

they were also asking to see people's match tickets also

there was no need to make people queue as there was plenty of room in the drinking areas and lots of spaces at the bar to be served from what we could see!!!

told the goon no thanks and went to Mary D's for a couple intsead

what's the point of building something like this and not let people in?

a bit like bouncers at pubs and clubs in town centres forcing people to queue unecessarliy just to make it look like the place is really popular and busy?
How do you know it's rubbish if you did not have the patience to find out?
Has anyone taken the time to see if it's a council licensing condition that unruly person eviction technicians are employed on the entrances?

It might be a bit of a pain but it'd be a different story if a bunch of dirty rags got in, got pissed up and kicked off. There'd be complaints galore about the slack attitude of the club allowing anybody in and how it's CITY square not anybody square. Why didn't the club have people on the gate checking that people going in were City fans - after all they should have a valid ticket and it would only take a few moments to check them on the way in. Why were already drunk supporters allowed into an area with young children and families in? Etc. etc. etc.

I despair sometimes.
alib said:
the bouncers were even asking to see tickets of guys in City tops!!!!
Yeah the would, it's too ensure big groups of ticketless fans don't join in as it solely for fans with tickets. Moan moan moan, I see you have ignored the fact the queue goes really fast.
FAO complainers - City Square is optional. I could understand the complaints if it was a condition of entry to the ground that you went into the Square and had to buy a drink and/or food. As far as I'm aware there are no such demands placed on us.

It's quite simple really - if you don't like it don't go in.
mcfcliam said:
SWP's back said:
The queue goes down very fast and once inside you never have to queue at the bar. Far better than the reverse or queues at Mary ds. Some people need patience.

Better than the queues at Mary D's?

I takes about 2 minutes to get served...if that.
I would still say no queue is better than 2 mins with three guys groins pressed against my leg.
I went after the game and the only "complaint" i have is £3.60 a pint but I have a choice and I was quite happy with it.

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