City store and parking?

You have a point Gundog ,apparently according to the lass on the till three quarters of the business they do is now on line , takes me around an hour to get to the Etihad by car maybe i should have stayed at home , there is a far bigger choice on the website
I’m probably wrong but I have it in my head that if you buy from the store then City keep all the money whereas if you buy online someone else gets a cut so it just feels better to buy it from the shop but it’s like no other shop in that they don’t seem to appreciate your custom. I’ve been there on a quiet weekday afternoon and had some security goon send me round to the entrance at the other side of the shop to get in because “rules are rules mate”.

And in your story I assume the 10% was for being a season ticket holder but how about an extra few quid off as a goodwill gesture for you having to schlep all the way to Asda and back. No chance - they don’t want your goodwill they want your money.
I’m probably wrong but I have it in my head that if you buy from the store then City keep all the money whereas if you buy online someone else gets a cut so it just feels better to buy it from the shop but it’s like no other shop in that they don’t seem to appreciate your custom. I’ve been there on a quiet weekday afternoon and had some security goon send me round to the entrance at the other side of the shop to get in because “rules are rules mate”.

And in your story I assume the 10% was for being a season ticket holder but how about an extra few quid off as a goodwill gesture for you having to schlep all the way to Asda and back. No chance - they don’t want your goodwill they want your money.
Mentioned my Cityzens memebership at the till but everyman and his dog was getting the 10% discount , didnt matter if you were a seasoncard holder , Cityzen member or whatever , but the shelves were that empty and bereft of choice i thought Frank Sinatra was back at the club and they were having a fire sale. Can only presume there is a plan in place to increase the size of the shop and more stock will be available nearer the kick off to the new season.
But if anyone is thinking of travelling to the shop at present, i would give it a swerve its a very underwhelming experience.
I go on the tram and use the lift up to the shop. Not that I’ve been recently but I did it when I went to the Everton game.
I know your obviously in a different area but is there any way you could do that with your Dad?
Yes probably. He is 93 in August. Went to every home match for 60 years . Got too much and have up ten years ago and missed the title win.
Mentioned my Cityzens memebership at the till but everyman and his dog was getting the 10% discount , didnt matter if you were a seasoncard holder , Cityzen member or whatever , but the shelves were that empty and bereft of choice i thought Frank Sinatra was back at the club and they were having a fire sale. Can only presume there is a plan in place to increase the size of the shop and more stock will be available nearer the kick off to the new season.
But if anyone is thinking of travelling to the shop at present, i would give it a swerve its a very underwhelming experience.

I popped in last monday, parked in the blue car park and then over the footpath up to the shop (amazed at the work going on for the new arena - will make parking in August very interesting).

10% off anything in the shop, wasn't interested when I showed by seasoncard. Very limited stock. A few shirts, few classic shirts, very little t-shirts or training items in there. Mainly scarves at 90p each (If I were a tout, I'd be buying the lot) and assorted stuff, like pin badges.

They did have the one thing I went for which was a lined winter bobble hat...£3.40. Same thing on the website is £5, but when you add postage and the crazy kitbag picking fee would have meant £11 to buy the same thing.
There is hardly anything in because they are clearing every bit of stock left before filling it up with all new stuff, also if it's in the sale you can't get your 10% discount
The City store is run by fanatics now. And its being ran badly. You can't try anything on in store and if it doesn't fit you get a voucher instead of a refund
You mean:
fanatics (plural noun)

  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
Has City gone all religious or political? We need to know....I've already renewed my season card and want to watch football not a religious show!!

Don't worry, I did wonder but then when I typed in fanatics it took me straight to fanatics sportswear!! But I was confused for a couple of minutes!! :-)
The City store is run by fanatics now. And its being ran badly. You can't try anything on in store and if it doesn't fit you get a voucher instead of a refund
This is a step backwards. The City store should serve City fans, not a third party company, partner or not! Get it sorted, Marwood!

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