City Tattoos

brass neck said:
Tom_mcfc said:
you are a penis

Insults from the great unwashed are often flung at people who are more (lets say) forward thinking. So go on spout your silly ill-educated rhetoric. I will take it on board than laugh heartily at it in my own time. Good luck with the tattoo's im sure you will enjoy them on the beach when your 78 and they are scarring the grandchildren!!!

Tattoo's have traditionally been worn by thickos who use brawn over brains, read the Sun and often are accompanied by to little aggressive dogs on a lead made out of twine. So those people work in offices now...still the same type of person though.


To prove my point:

If you were to take 100 people with tattoo's slapped all over them and 100 who don't. I wouldnt mind betting the people who don't would be upstanding members of the public, who have good jobs and the respect of people. The tattooed folk on average would be drunken layabouts.with the occasional exception of cause!!!

Is this a wind up? I'd say that anyone that still holds this point of view should try and get out a bit more! You must lead a very sheltered life if you actually think that these opinions are correct. I am 29, would say 50% of the people I socialize with have tattoos. I can think of 4 that run their own successful businesses (all have tattoos), the others are all in excellent jobs earning very good wages, not one has ever been in trouble with the police, and as for great unwashed, I would put money on it that every one of them looks better presented than your good self.
I'm still trying to work out what decade you're stuck in brass neck.
Do you honestly think these dated stereotypes still exist or are you on a wind up?
I suppose in brass neck land everyone with a tattoo has a shaved head, wears doc martins, goes to NF meetings and mugs old ladies, get real mate ffs!
brass neck said:
Don't get em..........especially on women.....Don't they realise in 50 years they are going to be a old granny with a stupid dumb ass tattoo on there shoulder/arm/tit/ass/leg/ etc etc. Ive said it before and ill say it again..Tattoos are there for a reason, they say a certain something about a person, if i was a employer and someone had a tattoo, I wouldnt employ them over a clean cut bloke in a suit because i would be thinking if there daft enough to get a potentially life threatening needle in there arm and ink smudged in....are they daft enough to rob me/not turn up/assault clients/leave the canteen cooker on over night/get pissed at work/....

Tattoo's are right up there with the nutters who put holes through there children in the name of scally fashion...children who are barely old enough to talk never mind decide they want a chavy ear ring....

your a tw*t, theres nothing more to say. your posts are stupid. you must lead a hollow life, either that or your just unhappy. wouldnt be surprised if you've got a bulldog on your arm either and now you just regret it
I don't think there's been any topic about stereotypes more debated than tattoos.

I'm not a big fan of tattoos and would never have one, however, I think some look really cool. I think they are an artform as well and the people who do them are very talented. Are they all done freehand or can u get them computerised now?

I'm not getting into the debate about whether people who have tattoos are thugs or criminals or whatever, as I don't think it's constructive. But if you had to pigeonhole people with tattoos into one section of the community, all I would say is that, in the main, in my experience of people that have them, that they are generally fairly confident, extrovert personalities.

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