City to be charged for booing Champions League jingle (anthem)

Booooo as loud as possible... follow up with a chorus of;

We know what you are,
We know what you are,
Bent, Corrupt Bastards,
We know what you are.
I haven't booed at a City match for 20 years, but I will sure as shit be booing at the next home game. These pricks are trying to compete with the theatre as a form of a family entertainment, yet I had to meet my dad in the rain, queue for ten minutes at city square and throw a pint down just so we could have our traditional pre match beer. That's after parting with our money to watch their 'product'.

The good news is that UEFA have made a monumental error throwing their weight around here and at this time. This might be the catalyst that football fans in general need.
It'll be interesting to see how the fans of the other English clubs react. English clubs never seem to back one another on these kind of things, we generally allow ourselves to be divided meaning we're always getting the shitty end of the stick.
It'll be interesting to see how the fans of the other English clubs react. English clubs never seem to back one another on these kind of things, we generally allow ourselves to be divided meaning we're always getting the shitty end of the stick.

Unfortunately the only other clubs in a position to make a stand, are the ones that ordered UEFA to fuck us over in the first place! I won't hold my breath for Arsenal, Chelsea or The Shite to back us in some kind of free speech solidarity!
It just goes to show that what alot of people said was a waste of time and had no impact, really has got under the noses of the pigs in the UEFA trough. Well done to everyone who has booed and jeered over the last few years at the CL anthem- what you have done is shown your total support for the club in the face of bullying by a corrupt european governing body who always look after their own.
They must be crapping themselves thinking 'hey, if city get to the final the world will hear this lot!' Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Carnt wait for the next one against Borussia, got a feeling the volume will be turned up to max unless the club ask us not to boo it, then a tough choice has to be made. Would Khaldoon ask the fans to respect it or not?
This all day long , mate
Fook em
Other clubs supporters already laughing at the corrupt tw@ts
Dear match officials,
Those naughty City fans are booing UEFA. That means they are booing you, and your wives, and your children, and your blow-up dolls.
Those City fans are taking on something so bent it could only be drawn up by the warped minds on me and Mr Gill.
You've done a great job denying them penalties for the past five seasons (and missing that shot over the line before Otto knocked in the loose ball) so please remember they are booing you and your loved ones next time there's a decision to be made.
The linesman from White Hart Lane will be explaining some novel interpretations of the laws. We'll still be trying to fuck 'em.
Love and kisses (but no boos),
Mick Platt-Tini
- No relation to the bent bastard at UEFA
This all day long , mate
Fook em
Other clubs supporters already laughing at the corrupt tw@ts

Has anyone mentioned Gill yet? Was this a complaint by proxy? I didn't boo last night and even thought it might be time to let it lie but then I listened to Talk Shite with Dumbham and dumber calling City fans immature they even let some nth Irish rag on to spout his bile about how massive clubs not protesting about UEFA citing Eric Cuntona being attacked by Turkish police and Liverpool not protesting after Hysel ??????? Wonder if they'll devote the same length of time to Immature Scousers booing Sterling? I doubt it.
Have these UEFA clowns ever attended an international game between England and any of the other home nations? Or likewise a rugby union game between England and any of our former colonies? If not, they should do so and they will soon learn about disrespect towards other nations from the stands. Or if the insult is one of silence, many will remember the Tory MP John Redwood when he was given the job of Welsh Minister. Being English and with no Tory seats in Wales, he attended an official function and as the gathering sang the Welsh anthem, instead of maintaining a dignified silence for not knowing the words or the language, he made a spectacle of himself by weakly and silently moving his lips. What an embarrassment it was. At least Jeremy Corbyn doesn't sing anthems and if a dignitary like him should loathe it, why shouldn't us plebs enjoy the same privilege?
This and good call on that wz@ker Redwood
caps as well you must be REALLY sure. not.

maybe i'm must missing the point of the protest and would rather hearing cheering on European nights.

Dear ScOtt, you just don't get it mate, however you would be a nice fit at the swamp.

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