City to be charged for booing Champions League jingle (anthem)

Even if you think he is a Wum why cannot the point be debated?

In your mind I am probably a wum because I cannot see a media agenda against us. It is just a difference of opinion. The guy was not offensive, insulting and a lot of City fans think the booing is small time? So why cannot he make his point?
well done city fans ,makes me proud to be a blue , all those saying its childish well its a football match , a distraction from the day to day work grind , its a bit of a laugh or is that not allowed either

How about at the rest of the CL games we cheer the Anthem "Take the piss". They won't know what to make of us.
But we wont give a fuck cos we're all pissed up MCFC OK.
This is fucking hilarious, the sad set of cunts.

It's just going to make me boo even more, at least we know we've got to know in some respect. At least they're going to have to question why we disrespected the anthem surely.
Well, UEFA really have f***ed up this time.

We all know what's going to happen in the final CL match at the Etihad. Even those City fans who have never booed will join in.

I for one can't wait. :-)

I hope the UEFA inspector has a set of ear muffs on. :-?
UEFA is coming over exactly how it is - a dictatorship.
Dictatorships don't believe in Freedeom of Expression.
On the issue of the so called anthem, is it 'UEFA' or an EU anthem ?
If it's the latter, then surely the anthem is Political ?

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