City to be charged for booing Champions League jingle (anthem)

We really do need to get with our other group member fan groups and our other English teams in the competition. We need to organise.
This is hilarious. It really is time to end these corrupt, unaccountable governing bodies.

The fans and clubs are the real power and money in this sport, and I can't wait for the day when they wake up and realize it.
This is hilarious. It really is time to end these corrupt, unaccountable governing bodies.

The fans and clubs are the real power and money in this sport, and I can't wait for the day when they wake up and realize it.
They won't until we and a lot of other clubs make waves. As of now it's us and us only. We as supporters need to organise together. Thats the only way this protest will eventually work.
They won't until we and a lot of other clubs make waves. As of now it's us and us only. We as supporters need to organise together. Thats the only way this protest will eventually work.
Yes! The booing must spread to other clubs.

And I do think governments need to man up and make this political. Political speech at matches needs to be guaranteed by clubs and governments. More investigations are needed, like the one that got FIFA.

And if UEFA refuses, it's time to seize their assets like we do with Iran. Why is everyone so afraid of these nobodies?
An organisation that is undeniably corrupt, blatant by the way its seedings work, the investigations it chooses to conduct, the way it hands out fines and to anyone who's ever watched the matches.

A corrupt organisation that places making money as its highest priority.

A corrupt organisation that places higher fines on a club who turns up 2 minutes late for the second half than a club who's fans are monkey chanting and gesturing at black players.

A corrupt organisation that imposes a blanket ban on away fans then allows external organisations to sell package deals to away fans. Even its own sponsors sold tickets on the black market.

A corrupt organisation that imposes a behind closed doors ban for a match and then allows its sponsors to sell tickets to home fans.

A corrupt organisation that is now attacking the most basic of human rights, free speech because its making them look bad.

Fuck em. If you're going against MGB get there early, if you haven't got a ticket and you can make it happen get there. Make sure when that anthem hits your back is turned and you boo like its a Gillingham penalty.

They know nothing of fair play, they don't care about any sort of anti 'ism, they only care about lining their own pockets and the pockets of their equally corrupt mates. Laughing at the club they just fined £50 mill as they sit there eating food and drinking wine that's a monthly wage, all complimentary of course because they fucking said so. They are the epitome (thanks Damo for the online spell check, I thought it was a Y, and congrats to you and yours, and thanks Blues for teaching me that even in the angriest moments you always need to inject a bit of humour) of everything that's wrong in this world, greedy greedy cunts twisting what should be the pinnacle of European club football, a gathering of the most talented people in a game played at a level that should make people proud of their team and they've turned it a fucking cash machine for an old boys club.

This is our competition, these cunts just stole it so they could rape money left, right and centre from daft bastards like us who spend stupid amounts of money that we haven't really got because we love and support our team. Not just Blues, fans of all team, even rags. They are an infestation that needs a light shining on them and fucking off so the game can get back to what its meant to be, a game of football played for bragging rights to see who was the best over 90 minutes.

Its not life or death, its not 'important' but because of the feelings and spirit it creates, the togetherness it brings even at times between opposing fans, it generates money. Lots and lots of money and these twats are exploiting those feelings and that togetherness to add another few 000's into a bank balance that's already fucking obscene.

Right now that shining light is us booing the shit out of their anthem, their fragile ego's cant handle the fact we know what they are and we'll fucking say it. They think threatening us with sanctions will dull our spirit or quiet our voice, they misunderstand. We fight to the end isn't the bullshit cheese the club has tried to spin, its an ethos handed down from every fan to every player. Its every shit result we managed to turn around, Gillingham, Blackburn, Tottenham, both Titles, when shits going wrong you fight to turn it around. You cant always do it and if the better team on the day isn't you then so be it, as long as you try that's what important.

Its not all about winning its about holding your head high because you did your best. This competition should be about the best players in the world doing just that, the same ethos that every fan of every team has, do your best, do us proud. But its not is it, its become about getting a free lunch and fiddling your expenses.

Enough's enough, fuck em up Blues.

This post is brought to you by the only red allowed in my life, a £5.99 bottle of Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon. A bottle Platini and UEFA wouldn't even know existed. If you made it this far, sorry for the long read!
Top post
An organisation that is undeniably corrupt, blatant by the way its seedings work, the investigations it chooses to conduct, the way it hands out fines and to anyone who's ever watched the matches.

A corrupt organisation that places making money as its highest priority.

A corrupt organisation that places higher fines on a club who turns up 2 minutes late for the second half than a club who's fans are monkey chanting and gesturing at black players.

A corrupt organisation that imposes a blanket ban on away fans then allows external organisations to sell package deals to away fans. Even its own sponsors sold tickets on the black market.

A corrupt organisation that imposes a behind closed doors ban for a match and then allows its sponsors to sell tickets to home fans.

A corrupt organisation that is now attacking the most basic of human rights, free speech because its making them look bad.

Fuck em. If you're going against MGB get there early, if you haven't got a ticket and you can make it happen get there. Make sure when that anthem hits your back is turned and you boo like its a Gillingham penalty.

They know nothing of fair play, they don't care about any sort of anti 'ism, they only care about lining their own pockets and the pockets of their equally corrupt mates. Laughing at the club they just fined £50 mill as they sit there eating food and drinking wine that's a monthly wage, all complimentary of course because they fucking said so. They are the epitome (thanks Damo for the online spell check, I thought it was a Y, and congrats to you and yours, and thanks Blues for teaching me that even in the angriest moments you always need to inject a bit of humour) of everything that's wrong in this world, greedy greedy cunts twisting what should be the pinnacle of European club football, a gathering of the most talented people in a game played at a level that should make people proud of their team and they've turned it a fucking cash machine for an old boys club.

This is our competition, these cunts just stole it so they could rape money left, right and centre from daft bastards like us who spend stupid amounts of money that we haven't really got because we love and support our team. Not just Blues, fans of all team, even rags. They are an infestation that needs a light shining on them and fucking off so the game can get back to what its meant to be, a game of football played for bragging rights to see who was the best over 90 minutes.

Its not life or death, its not 'important' but because of the feelings and spirit it creates, the togetherness it brings even at times between opposing fans, it generates money. Lots and lots of money and these twats are exploiting those feelings and that togetherness to add another few 000's into a bank balance that's already fucking obscene.

Right now that shining light is us booing the shit out of their anthem, their fragile ego's cant handle the fact we know what they are and we'll fucking say it. They think threatening us with sanctions will dull our spirit or quiet our voice, they misunderstand. We fight to the end isn't the bullshit cheese the club has tried to spin, its an ethos handed down from every fan to every player. Its every shit result we managed to turn around, Gillingham, Blackburn, Tottenham, both Titles, when shits going wrong you fight to turn it around. You cant always do it and if the better team on the day isn't you then so be it, as long as you try that's what important.

Its not all about winning its about holding your head high because you did your best. This competition should be about the best players in the world doing just that, the same ethos that every fan of every team has, do your best, do us proud. But its not is it, its become about getting a free lunch and fiddling your expenses.

Enough's enough, fuck em up Blues.

This post is brought to you by the only red allowed in my life, a £5.99 bottle of Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon. A bottle Platini and UEFA wouldn't even know existed. If you made it this far, sorry for the long read!

To the tune of "Sheikh Mansour, went to Spain..."

UEFA, went to court, because our boos were loud
But we came back and booed again, for the club we are so proud

slight amendment so it sings better..

YOO-A-FUR.. went to court....cos our boos were loud( sung slow and loud)

But we came back and booed again, and we,re fucking PROUD!! (sung fast and loud)
This is about the fans. The fans ARE the club. Everyone else can fuck off.
Brilliant post. spot on.

modern day fans you think its ok to chant this cos the owners might not like it? How do people think swales ever got removed? wake the fuck up,give yer head a wobble,this is football( gotta love bobby manc)not some sort of antiseptic trip to the theatre.
Good grief.

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