City v Stoke Post Match Thread

Quagmire blue said:
Stoke fully deserved the win and if anything 1-0 flatters us. Not a single player of ours can hold their heads up after that performance, even Silva was shite and that's something I've never had to say before. Their goal summed up the whole game from our perspective, shambolic.

I can't think where Stoke would have scored another goal, unless Mason were to give a goal when it was a throw-in!
MeatHunterrr said:
KippaxCitizen said:
GaudinoMotors said:
An excellent summing up
The thing is, they didn't particularly park the bus. When we had possession in our half their back four pushed right up and they pressed us high. They dropped deeper, naturally, as we sslloowwllyy passed it up the pitch into the final third. But I wouldn't describe their play as parking the bus today.

They did sit back when they got their lead but that was well into the second half. By the time they scored we'd only created two chances in the whole game.
If that was not bus the way Stoke played then I don't know what is. all players behind the ball most of the time as we had possession almost constantly. Reminded me of the Chelsea bus at Liverpool last season.

It was our slow,slow ,slow build up that allowed them to get back,have lunch,read the paper and then clear their lines.......... They did not park the bus they merely re-organised while we tippy tapped it up field..
Stoke did a job on us today.Nothing but praise from me desptlite their physical approach.We got exactly what we deserved..sweet fa
Sorry peeps but joe hart needs to sort his goalkeeping out. Not just criticising him but he scuffed the shot and still got megged at the near post side..Yaya looked dissinterested as per but there you go.
We go again in two weeks.
Weird feeling losing at home in the league.Even weirder when rags are texing at full time trying to take the piss.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Quagmire blue said:
Stoke fully deserved the win and if anything 1-0 flatters us. Not a single player of ours can hold their heads up after that performance, even Silva was shite and that's something I've never had to say before. Their goal summed up the whole game from our perspective, shambolic.

I can't think where Stoke would have scored another goal, unless Mason were to give a goal when it was a throw-in!
crouch header second half across the face had hart per
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Stoke did a job on us today.Nothing but praise from me desptlite their physical approach.We got exactly what we deserved..sweet fa
Sorry peeps but joe hart needs to sort his goalkeeping out. Not just criticising him but he scuffed the shot and still got megged at the near post side..Yaya looked dissinterested as per but there you go.
We go again in two weeks.
Weird feeling losing at home in the league.Even weirder when rags are texing at full time trying to take the piss.

Looked to be the only one busting a gut in the last half an hour...

We have a new scapegoat folks. Move on from the cake shit eh?
We were lacking directness and a cutting edge today,we played some decent possession stuff without ever really causing damage or giving their defence a hard time.Much credit has to go to Hughes and his boys though,although we helped them somewhat.....they did a number on us today.

Just a bad day at the office but i still think we're lacking a player in our squad.
Sky Blue said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Stoke did a job on us today.Nothing but praise from me desptlite their physical approach.We got exactly what we deserved..sweet fa
Sorry peeps but joe hart needs to sort his goalkeeping out. Not just criticising him but he scuffed the shot and still got megged at the near post side..Yaya looked dissinterested as per but there you go.
We go again in two weeks.
Weird feeling losing at home in the league.Even weirder when rags are texing at full time trying to take the piss.

Looked to be the only one busting a gut in the last half an hour...

We have a new scapegoat folks. Move on from the cake shit eh?

So you think he was busting a gut..I dont..fuck all to do with cakegate but he has lost a lot of respect from what happened in summer. He was cack today along with them all
Poor today throughout and very poor referee

Got to give Stoke credit as they stuck to game plan and won

What do people expect, for them to play pretty football and get battered

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