City's Hardest Ever Player

green pennies said:





How camp do these look!
Good player tho
my first thought was dave watson by a mile he was a better footballer than most of the hard men that have been mentioned as well.

but when nicky reid was mentioned i thought he was hard as nails similar to joey barton, he didn't miss tackles like joey barton and he was twice as good a footballer.

i'm going with nicky watson
From what I've heard - I never saw him play - Roy Paul was as hard as granite with nails embedded in it.

Of the players I remember, Mike Doyle and Dave Watson stand out.

And Andy Morrison.

I remember watching one of the early PPV games against Colchester, I think it was.

Andy and one of their forwards - a Brazilian I think it was - went up for the ball and clashed heads. Their player had to be carried off on a stretcher. Morrison shook his head a couple of times and just carreid on.

Now that's hard!

I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Buzzer senior. A winger who played with his socks rolled down and would give as good as he got from opposing full-backs.
kev1961 said:
my first thought was dave watson by a mile he was a better footballer than most of the hard men that have been mentioned as well.

but when nicky reid was mentioned i thought he was hard as nails similar to joey barton, he didn't miss tackles like joey barton and he was twice as good a footballer.

i'm going with nicky watson

I played with Nicky Reid, so I'll go with Dave Watson.

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