Citys South Korean Fans ... love `em.

99% of football fans are enormous fucking hypocrites, ,mate, to be fair, about everything. If a referees decision benefits your club it's correct, if the same thing benefits your rivals it's wrong. FFP would have been accepted as a good thing by most City fans if we were still skint. Most Football fans are utterly one-eyed when it comes to their own club and that will never change.

Man united spent years taking the piss out of city for being a small club and not winning anything. They did the same to Liverpool about being obsessed with history and faux-grief. Now they are a shit team with falling profile who can't stop barking about their history...everything they mocked their rivals for.

It can't much fun being a Man United fan these days. They didn't sign up to be a laughing stock. That was meant to be City, and Liverpool, whilst they watched them clean up the trophies on the telly. They never in their wildest fucking dreams thought it would get like this, so you can forgive them latching onto anything to try to save face. At least when we did that - and we did - we had dignity, and nationwide respect, as loyal fans in adversity. They haven't even got that. Everyone in football knows your typical Man united fan is a plastic, half-interested thicko who latched on to them to make themselves feel bigger.

Not only are they shite now, but everyone still hates them.

Haha, right on the nail. Some cnut re-wrote their job description.

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