City's Top Scorers in History

I'm amazed he scored 7. I only remember one in the cup against Spurs and a ridiculous 50 yard volley he scored against us for Preston which was presumably why we bought the sack of shit in the first place.

Surprised everyone seems to have forgotten his goal against United, in a 4-1 win, in the days when beating them was still considered a bit of an achievement.
nevermind we will always have that header in the FA cup comeback lol
That goal , and the one he got in the first ever derby at COMS when we beat the rags 4:1 are the only Macken goals I really remember for City. Both very memorable games ofcourse.
His best goal in a City match was probably the one he got against us for Preston to be fair (or was it just a 'freak' lucky hit and hope effort, I've never been too sure)
Not sure how accurate this is but found some of the numbers quite surprising - or to be honest maybe its just my perception/memory of how particular players did for us at the time

Accuracy wouldn't be high up on whoever put this together. Totally omitting Eric Brook, the City and England legend who scored 158 goals for the mighty blues. He only got bettered by God a few years ago.
Surprised everyone seems to have forgotten his goal against United, in a 4-1 win, in the days when beating them was still considered a bit of an achievement.

I had tbh, remember Sinclair and SWP, couldn't tell you the other scorers, did Fowler get one aswell?

In fact, the clouds are clearing, I think Macken joined for the last month or so of the Keegan promotion season and scored a few in that period as we were free-wheeling dickslapping the League at that point.

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