For a lazy comment. I told you that you're out of date. You counter by showing me a report from 5 years ago.
Skashion said:
LOSU is low in some radiative forcings
So? The ones that have a high LoSU all show huge warming. The others we aren't really sure about yet but have a general idea of. I cannot fathom that you do not believe the LoSU to be on the conservative side here for an IPCC paper published 5 years ago nor do I believe that you are not clever enough to use simple additioin to add up the best case screnario of low LoSU forcings against the best case scenario of high LoSU forcings and still see a 5 degree warming. Or why don't you look at the confidence in projected changes? Or the summaries of the entire report?
Your whole opinion here seems to be "we don't know everything therefore we don't know anything". Unless you are playing the conspiracy card, and I certainly hope that you aren't. When AR5 comes out in 18 months, you'll see all those LoSUs shoot up, for the record.
If the entire East Antarctic ice sheets melted, yes, we'd have 200ft of sea level rises. Calculate how long that would take. Actually, I'll save you some bother. They're not losing mass at the moment so it would take infinite years. Even if you take the most crazy extreme estimates, it would take several thousand years for this to happen.
I don't give a fuck if you're not sure, because I am sure.
Oh yeah, Greenland takes "infinite" time to melt.
That "infinite time" took four days by the way.