Really enjoying the debate about theCity badge and the designs being suggested. I know a few people have asked me for my own views on what I like/dislike about our past badges and potential future ones and so I wanted to make a few general points here that I think it'd be important for fans to communicate and give their views etc.
Firstly, as I'm doing the lectures and being asked by radio/TV eat to comment about the badge I hope everyone can respect that it's difficult to give my own personal views at the moment. I'm keen not to send the debate a particular way or anything plus my views are only the views of one fan. They're no more important or less important than anyone else and, of course, i'm not representative of any group etc. I'm a fan with a view it I am also lucky enough to have been asked to do lectures on the history of the badge, so I won't let my views cloud any of that. I will give my views, if asked, in the Q&A section at the end of my history talks though.
On the other stuff.... It really is important that fans use the channels that City have opened to get views to the club. I know it's great to read and see ideas here (and I've been using Bluemoon myself for many years, so I enjoy the community aspect of it) but please also use the opportunities City are giving to get views across. Never assume someone else has put your views forward.
I know some have been concerned that newer fans or non-Mancunians will dominate - well the best way to ensure your views are considered is to send them in. One point that I've asked City is about the number of Cityzens and where they're from. I don't have accurate numbers but I was told that something in the region of 70% are within 25 miles of the stadium; every season card holder is included etc. I would add though that personally I believe that some of City's most dedicated fans live outside of Manchester. The London Blues and Scandinavian Blues are two examples of loyal supporters who've been part of the journey for decades. Scandinavian Blues have been coming to games throughout the70s onwards at great expense. They are season card holders in the main of course and whenever I've met them they've been absolutely blue through and through with a passion for City and Manchester that really is impressive.
Next -as well as thinking about emblems it's worth thinking how they should be used and also what you absolutely do not want. It seems a minor point but Utd's badge for example used to have white roses on. Clearly white's not a Lancs rose but they had them for years, so if someone said 'let's use a rose on City's badge but make it blue/white/maroon etc. would that matter(not a great example but think about how the rivers/lines have changed colours or about Arsenal's cannon facing the opposite way). Put simply, colours, shapes, emblems, words, dates... All needs thinking about.
Badge - really important that the club has been talking about 'the badge' not the emblem, logo, icon or anything. This is deliberate.other clubs do talk about their logo etc. and we all know how out of touch that can be.
Final point... Get your views in to City whatever they are and to all those posting their preferred emblems on here - great stuff and keep going, but also send your ideas in. The more material the better.