I don't mind the rose on the badge mate. I grew up with it, and it means more to me than the eagle ever did.
The rivers and ship don't represent Greater Manchester. They represent the city of Manchester. The name of our club is the giveaway for me, we represent the city of Manchester. Not the county, and certainly not the county it used to be in.
Personally I think anyone who considers that Manchester is still essentially in Lancashire are naive and ignorant to the power and incredible work that Greater Manchester city council have done in transforming the city region beyond all recognition.
The way the airport is thriving, the complete regeneration of the city centre, the rapid expansion of the Metrolink, and most poignantly of all, the whole SportCity / Etihad complex only exists because of how ambitious and capable the city council are. The CFA, the whole regeneration of East Manchester, the partnership with ADUG, the huge multibillion pound housing scheme near to the stadium, the devolution of power to have an autonomous city region and the centre and flagship of the Northern Powerhouse (if this ever truly gains traction) all of these things are only possible because the city works with the other metropolitan councils as a Greater Manchester city region. None of these things would have been possible if Manchester was still a mill town in Lancashire.
Being in Lancashire might be "romantic" to some. Not me. Nothing agsinst Lancastrians and people from North Manchester who seem to be more attached to Lancashire, but to me Lancashire is now a complete irrelevance to Manchester as a city, and has been for a couple of decades.