Club statement - Tevez transfer request confirmed.

Blumers Bloomers said:
Well done to the Club for releasing the statement so promptly.

What I can't get my head around though is why air the Tevez interview this week, when its quite apparent he handed a transfer request in on Monday? Bizarre decision to go ahead and show it, or am I missing something?!

Maybe it was deliberate.
As has been said Tevez isn't the sharpest tool in the box by any means so you can imagine that he looks around at the money and lifestyle he has compared to his roots in the Buenos Aires slums and sees that Joorabchian's influence has been good for him and so I suspect he'd go along with most suggestions that the slimeball puts forward.

Excellent statement by the club that reinforces the view that they simply won't tolerate arsey agents trying to screw them.
Brilliant statement and shows Joorabcbin up for exactly what he is.

"we want to renegotiate Carlos' contract". "We want to extend his contract". "what? I can't get more money? My client hands in a written transfer request".

Don't forget who you're dealing with here Kia, our owners are much more savvy than you, we hold all the cards, a the power.

Of all the journos, ex players and z list celebs who try and have a pop at us, I'd rather it be this guy stood in CoMS so we could show him exactly what we think of him.
I was extremely dissapointed 2 hear the news last night but was pleased with the statement the club issued this morning.Definately points the finger at Carlos/Joorabchian being greedy.

Tevez probably takes home £80-£90k a week.No other club in the world can realisticly afford to pay him those wages so where does he think he is going to get it any better?

If it is the fact he misses he kids and is depressed then there isnt much more we can do to help him as the club by all accounts bends over backwards to help him see his family as much as possible.Its a 14 hr flight to Buenos Aires,and the money Carlos is on he could afford to fly in a bloody private jet.Does he think he is the only person in the world who doesnt see his kids every day?
GStar said:
Brilliant statement and shows Joorabcbin up for exactly what he is.

"we want to renegotiate Carlos' contract". "We want to extend his contract". "what? I can't get more money? My client hands in a written transfer request".

Don't forget who you're dealing with here Kia, our owners are much more savvy than you, we hold all the cards, a the power.

Of all the journos, ex players and z list celebs who try and have a pop at us, I'd rather it be this guy stood in CoMS so we could show him exactly what we think of him.

To be honest, gutted doesn't even cover how I feel. Wake up still drunk/hungover or somewhere in between and then see that the one player who I think has epitomized MCFC over the last 12 months has handed in a transfer request...

But, before we hang, draw, and quarter, Kia - lets not forget it was his love of money which allowed us to see Carlos in a City shirt in the first place.
Some great posts on here. Nice to see everyone singing from the same hymn sheet for once.
Couple of thoughts:
Firstly, if Carlos is really after a contract extension and more money, surely the timing of this is shite? Why not wait until later in the season, do the business on the pitch, break our goalscoring record and help City get close to (or actually winning) the Europa/FA Cup/Prem. Surely that would be a much stronger bargaining position?
Secondly, City proved yesterday that we could survive with Carlos. Mancini is no fool. Yes, Carlos is a vital asset but we have to ensure that we have contingencies in place. FFS Carlos could break a leg or do his achilles in his next game and be out for the rest of the season. The club would have to continue without him in that scenario.
As much as I love Carlos, I think he and his lizard of an agent have not really got a grasp on how this Club is different from any other.
Wonder if the Sheik would ring Kia up and tell him what he thinks? I suspect that his Highness would get more out of ignoring the thick tw*t.

And yes, the captains armband has to be passed on.
Kia and Tevez (Wormtongue and Theoden)


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