Why Always Ste said:
The OP came across as complaining about drug use but many of his work colleagues are a walking advertisement for drug use with a good number of lads who've worked doors I know being open about their use of Steroids.
Some would argue the toss about themselves not being addicts or "druggies" as they see them as a "sports supplement"
As for Cocaine use being on the increase. I'm only 27 so can't comment about the clubbing scene in 1998 but it is far more readily accessible as more scrotes are selling a far inferior product these days...chopped up and knocking it out.
I do find it frustrating coming across previous friends from my teens who drive nice cars now and all the rest of it through dealing coke and brown but on their conscious be it.
If it was for me I'd legalise it all. Prohibition doesn't work, just creates career criminals.
There will always be a black market, but if these drugs were legalised the price would fall alot resulting in a decrease in crime as addicts wouldn't need as much cash to fund their habits.
Legalize coke and heroin? I understand and agree with prohibition doesn't work, but these things have never been legal to start with. The only thing that would do is improve the quality, and make more people addicted, the shite that people are knocking out these days is the only good thing about it. Hopefully kids will think what a waste of money!