geek said:
Tricky_Trev said:
doomuk said:
Is that really better than care packages and other kill streaks though?
I really cant see how.
On certain maps, yes. The class i just mentioned is my rushing class. I use it mainly on Bootleg, Hardhat, etc. But i play differently on some of the other maps. Last night, just after discovering this PP90M1 class, i got 32 kills on Bootleg and then 36 kills on Harthat in back-to-back games, with every single kill coming from my gun.... i don't do that very often with my other classes, so yes i'd say it works! Normally if someone gets that many kills, a fair chunk of them are from predator missiles, attack choppers, and the high-end killstreaks.

I just needed time to learn the maps, and devise certain routes that i like to run through each one. Now that i've got all that sorted, when the right map comes up (one that's suitable for rushing), the specialist strike package is deadly!

Something which i think is important to mention is which killstreaks you use as you main 3, and which you use in the package. I always use hardline with this class, so i get my extra perks straight off the bat. Steady aim is a MUST when rushing. I'd say 90% of my kills are from hip-firing when i use this class (i use the "range" proficiency, which compliments this (and a silencer, so that i am elusive). My 3rd main perk is extreme conditioning so that i can quickly get in amongst the enemy.

Now this is where the clever bit comes in. I don't use sleight of hand as a main perk, despite it being one of the best blue perks. This is because you only NEED it after you've killed someone. So i have it as my reward for a 1 killstreak. Same with scavenger. It's another worthless perk at the start of your streak, so i have it as my 3 killstreak reward. Then the final reward is personal preference. I don't feel i need quickdraw as i am generally hip firing, so i go for assassin.

The other benefit, is that by using the specialist strike package, you are leveling up ALL the perks at the same time! So you get a load of challenge XP and level up really fast.

probably the reason i will stick to the far superior battlefield 3, your summary of this multiplayer sounds so SHITE and just enhances the fact COD games are heading for the arcade, having played all the COD games from the start probably over ten years ago now when they first started on the PC, since mw they have gone down hill rapidly! the last one i truly truly enjoyed was COD 2 united offensive! on PC
I have both games and enjoy both games. I don't understand why they are compared so often, and why it's generally considered that you can only like one or the other. They are completely different types of multiplayer shooter, and intentionally so.
Hardcore S+D needs ricochet. Its my favourite gametype yet every other game you'll get a teamkiller that whips out his rocket launcher and blows everyone up when we spawn. If not that, you'll get a care package and a team mate will kill you so that he can take it. Was it really worth shelling out 40 notes just to be a cock?

Has anyone seen the glitch on Outpost? (I think, the one with the snow) where you can get inside the oil tanker near where you spawn on S+D when your defending.

Other than that, its a great game. Kill confirmed is good.
PSmyth07 said:
Hardcore S+D needs ricochet. Its my favourite gametype yet every other game you'll get a teamkiller that whips out his rocket launcher and blows everyone up when we spawn. If not that, you'll get a care package and a team mate will kill you so that he can take it. Was it really worth shelling out 40 notes just to be a cock?

Has anyone seen the glitch on Outpost? (I think, the one with the snow) where you can get inside the oil tanker near where you spawn on S+D when your defending.

Other than that, its a great game. Kill confirmed is good.
Someone shot me from under the floor on that map
PSmyth07 said:
Hardcore S+D needs ricochet. Its my favourite gametype yet every other game you'll get a teamkiller that whips out his rocket launcher and blows everyone up when we spawn. If not that, you'll get a care package and a team mate will kill you so that he can take it. Was it really worth shelling out 40 notes just to be a cock?

Has anyone seen the glitch on Outpost? (I think, the one with the snow) where you can get inside the oil tanker near where you spawn on S+D when your defending.

Other than that, its a great game. Kill confirmed is good.
Someone shot me from under the floor on that map


Probably be patched soon, hopefully.
geek said:
Tricky_Trev said:
doomuk said:
Is that really better than care packages and other kill streaks though?
I really cant see how.
On certain maps, yes. The class i just mentioned is my rushing class. I use it mainly on Bootleg, Hardhat, etc. But i play differently on some of the other maps. Last night, just after discovering this PP90M1 class, i got 32 kills on Bootleg and then 36 kills on Harthat in back-to-back games, with every single kill coming from my gun.... i don't do that very often with my other classes, so yes i'd say it works! Normally if someone gets that many kills, a fair chunk of them are from predator missiles, attack choppers, and the high-end killstreaks.

I just needed time to learn the maps, and devise certain routes that i like to run through each one. Now that i've got all that sorted, when the right map comes up (one that's suitable for rushing), the specialist strike package is deadly!

Something which i think is important to mention is which killstreaks you use as you main 3, and which you use in the package. I always use hardline with this class, so i get my extra perks straight off the bat. Steady aim is a MUST when rushing. I'd say 90% of my kills are from hip-firing when i use this class (i use the "range" proficiency, which compliments this (and a silencer, so that i am elusive). My 3rd main perk is extreme conditioning so that i can quickly get in amongst the enemy.

Now this is where the clever bit comes in. I don't use sleight of hand as a main perk, despite it being one of the best blue perks. This is because you only NEED it after you've killed someone. So i have it as my reward for a 1 killstreak. Same with scavenger. It's another worthless perk at the start of your streak, so i have it as my 3 killstreak reward. Then the final reward is personal preference. I don't feel i need quickdraw as i am generally hip firing, so i go for assassin.

The other benefit, is that by using the specialist strike package, you are leveling up ALL the perks at the same time! So you get a load of challenge XP and level up really fast.

probably the reason i will stick to the far superior battlefield 3, your summary of this multiplayer sounds so SHITE and just enhances the fact COD games are heading for the arcade, having played all the COD games from the start probably over ten years ago now when they first started on the PC, since mw they have gone down hill rapidly! the last one i truly truly enjoyed was COD 2 united offensive! on PC

It's gone downhill that much that Within 24 hours of going on sale, the game sold 6.5 million copies in the US and UK alone and grossed $400 million.

Not bad for something that's shit eh?
JoeMercer'sWay said:
i'm getting the hang of the campaign mode, training myself on that before I go into getting annihilated by people who can run and shoot.

Try and get into a party, you usually get paired against a shit team.

PS3: PSmyth07
Think I played against someone off here the other day, recognised the nickname.

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