Come on City fans - sort the atmosphere out


Well-Known Member
9 Jan 2006
Another great night's entertainment, but the atmosphere needs sorting out.

What has happened to the so called singing section in the corner? Stood up all game, but did you sing? Hardly.

We all need to sort this out, and it's getting boring I know. But something has to be done

I got relocated from the South Stand to Block 234, in the North Stand. No one supported the team at all, and it took a goal or something special to get them to even clap.

Sole downside to what was a great night
Yeah your right I want to hear the fans singing more . The F.A cup matches last year had a very quiet atmosphere . Come on City fans lets cheer the lads on . I did hear the Pablo song tonight .
I agree totally. I'm a singer but a follow-the-leader singer. Some big personalities need to step forward and get people going... or is that too 'Stand Leader' for some? :)

Tonight was one of the worst cases yet... though we did lose the South Stand, but the Singing Section was in order and every time I looked across (from 107 which was a mausoleum), half were sat down and half stood up with their arms folded doing nothing. Gosh, it was like we have something to be depressed about.

If nothing else, just sing the Zabaleta song on loop for 90 minutes. ;)
modern football and wont change anytime soon.

Stick with 111 corner mate...............closest you'll ever get to any kind of atmos. at home unless its a big game.

Blackburn don't exactly fire us up for a passionate sing song to be honest. Who gives a shit about Blackburn? No one
The singing section had no excuse. They've got complacent

South Stand split up never helps for Cup games, but we need to do something for the Watford Cup game. Great prices from the Ticket office by the way. That will be a sell out no problem, but once again the South Stand is going to be relocated en masse, so it's going to be down to the singing section in 110/111 to sing.
Sadly, you can't argue with it. Some very poor games this season. There have been some ok to good ones as well (big matches only), and the banter is as good as it ever was. West Ham the other week was fucking piss funny.
I'm SS and usually get relocated to 109 as I was for West Ham. For some reason I was exiled to the family stand! If the SS is all over the place it won't help matters.
Don't know why everyone thinks it down to 111/110 to wipe your arses for you. Wipe them yourselves. The biggest problem in the stadium is that ONLY 110/111 sings at times. The only time the stadium really generates atmosphere is when everyone has a go. Depending on a tiny section to do it is why the atmosphere is shit.
Skashion said:
Don't know why everyone thinks it down to 111/110 to wipe your arses for you. Wipe them yourselves. The biggest problem in the stadium is that ONLY 110/111 sings at times. The only time the stadium really generates atmosphere is when everyone has a go. Depending on a tiny section to do it is why the atmosphere is shit.

exactly along with the moaners...Sit down sit down....

Be quiet I'm sleeping with mi flask an sarnies

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