Comedy series you don't find funny

What's your favourite comedy series?

I dont have one I'm a miserable bugger, I can tolerate however comedy which mocks life in an intelligent manner, rather than cliche after cliche punctuated by shouting, prime examples (from a long time ago) MASH, Cheers (never a massive frasier fan though cos I thought he was irritating) and 1980's and 90's City games, although i'm not usually captivated by farces
I'm glad a few have said Friends. Embarrassingly unfunny. Miranda also as rubbish.

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I dont have one I'm a miserable bugger, I can tolerate however comedy which mocks life in an intelligent manner, rather than cliche after cliche punctuated by shouting, prime examples (from a long time ago) MASH, Cheers (never a massive frasier fan though cos I thought he was irritating) and 1980's and 90's City games, although i'm not usually captivated by farces

Haha, I know what you mean. Misanthropy is vastly underrated ;-)

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