Communist party of Britain

Grimes against humanity. Ba, dmm...

Misguided assertion given I voted Lib Dem last time around, but hey-ho. Not your first, not your last.

Doesn't matter who you voted for, we live in a FPTP system so we don't really get the benefit of picking who to vote for.

I've voted Libdem before but only out of tactical necessity I'm not a Liberal.

Your views, particularly on social issues are right of centre.

And the Liberal Democrat leader at the time was on the right of the party anyway.
Doesn't matter who you voted for, we live in a FPTP system so we don't really get the benefit of picking who to vote for.

I've voted Libdem before but only out of tactical necessity I'm not a Liberal.

Your views, particularly on social issues are right of centre.

And the Liberal Democrat leader at the time was on the right of the party anyway.
well, I'm always right, so it's natural you have that misconception.
This thread shows why Communism is not discussed properly. Throw in a ridiculous statement to deflect from discussing it and hope it goes away, because peoples brains have hardwired to believe Communism is bad, it is portrayed as bad, because the Capitalist class fear they will lose control of society and god forbid those oiks, scruffs and chavs from the working class would be in power and the ruling class would have to actually contribute to society instead of leeching from it. They do not want a society were working class nurses are as valuable as upper class landowners, were working class road sweepers are as valuable as the bone idle Earls, Barons and Lords, no they want to keep their power and privilige and let the working class make them rich as they sit on their bone idle backsides.
because peoples brains have hardwired to believe Communism is bad
Because it is, because everyone isn’t fucking equal in terms of talent, skill, ambition and worth and everyone doesn’t produce the same output.

Luckily, as you say, no one’s interested as everyone’s already worked it out, comrade. It’s a thought experiment that falls apart as soon as it goes anywhere near the real world, which is a place I’d love for you to visit one time.

Hope you’re well Russ. X
Because it is, because everyone isn’t fucking equal in terms of talent, skill, ambition and worth and everyone doesn’t produce the same output.

Luckily, as you say, no one’s interested as everyone’s already worked it out, comrade. It’s a thought experiment that falls apart as soon as it goes anywhere near the real world, which is a place I’d love for you to visit one time.

Hope you’re well Russ. X

Tbf in a utopian society skill levels would be used for the betterment of the human race, all other species and the planet, not to make cash and climb a social ladder or inherit entitlement.

Your stature would not be evaluated on if you can make money.

All societies even an equal one would need some structure and hierarchy to function, just not one based on what ours are based on now.

Art, science, literature, architecture etc could in theory flourish, advancements in space exploration or medice, advanced without patents leaving some of it exclusive to the few.

Saying that as a species we are not ready for an equal or utopian society as we still squable over imaginary sky people and lines on a map.
Tbf in a utopian society skill levels would be used for the betterment of the human race, all other species and the planet, not to make cash and climb a social ladder or inherit entitlement.

Your stature would not be evaluated on if you can make money.

All societies even an equal one would need some structure and hierarchy to function, just not one based on what ours are based on now.

Art, science, literature, architecture etc could in theory flourish, advancements in space exploration or medice, advanced without patents leaving some of it exclusive to the few.

Saying that as a species we are not ready for an equal or utopian society as we still squable over imaginary sky people and lines on a map.
So long as we both understand that your utopian society has as much chance of actually happening as my cat being elected the next POTUS.
Because it is, because everyone isn’t fucking equal in terms of talent, skill, ambition and worth and everyone doesn’t produce the same output.

Luckily, as you say, no one’s interested as everyone’s already worked it out, comrade. It’s a thought experiment that falls apart as soon as it goes anywhere near the real world, which is a place I’d love for you to visit one time.

Hope you’re well Russ. X
The unfortunate thing is it's a thought experiment that is well intentioned but doesn't work because of the way humans are. There isn't a single example of communism which isn't locked in place by military force or a perpetual overarching government. The Soviets in particular were destroyed by scandals of inefficiency, corruption and incompetence at the highest level which no-one could vote out or get rid of.

We shouldn't go too far to ignore the things that can be done to improve things. Look at the Nordic countries and the things they're doing, they're exploring ways such as a universal income to improve peoples lives. In those countries politicians put people first, here in the UK however the politicians think of people last. We now have a so called party of low tax and working people that is overseeing a time of the highest debt and taxation on working people in our history.

You can prove all of this by the fact that everything in this country has consistently gotten worse since the Blair years. I'm not saying Labour are the answer, they aren't, but we're in this position because of how ridiculously inept our political system is. It's a political system where poor people elect MP's and then never see them again because they're drinking champagne at the ambassadors ball.

It's the same in the US where two parties rule everything and both are as useless as the other when it comes to enacting any form of meaningful change. Trump built a wall (rightly or wrongly) and then the Democrats will get in and knock it down again and there you go 10 years wasted. They're all great however at shouting and fighting each other as are their supporters and that feeds the problem.

If we want real change then we first need to take our politicians off the table and put the people in charge. I don't know what that means (PR?) but with something like that we'll probably find that actually we already have a Soviet style system of government because turkey politicians don't vote for Christmas.

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