Computer advice - Anti virus software etc.

Bellamy's Caddy

Well-Known Member
26 Jan 2009

I was wondering if any of the computer experts on bluemoon might be able to help me out. My last computer got a hammering with viruses/constant use etc. I've recently bought a new one and a friend who knows about these things suggested AVG as my anti virus, so I downloaded its free software. What do people think of AVG, is it good? The computer came with McAfee, but I don't know if its running or not. Would AVG and McAfee both running be counter productive - should I get rid of McAfee?

I'm far from a computer expert, the opposite infact! I'm keen to make sure my computer continues to perform well, any advice for how not to clog up the memory? I've got an external hard drive so I'll be running a virus check on that before I start using it with this computer, but basically I want this computer to last longer than the last one and want to look after it!

I'd appreciate any advice or info! Thanks in advance!
IMO AVG is C**p I use Avast and have had no problems, use Zonealarm as a firewall, as for spyware i use Malwarebytes and SUPERAntispyware as a back up and check, nothing gets through and if it tries it gets blocked very quickly.
Kestrelblue said:
IMO AVG is C**p I use Avast and have had no problems, use Zonealarm as a firewall, as for spyware i use Malwarebytes and SUPERAntispyware as a back up and check, nothing gets through and if it tries it gets blocked very quickly.

Cheers for the reply. Do you have to pay for any of those? I've been told you shouldn't use more than one because it slows down your system and if you've got a few running they can get in each others way and viruses can creep in, is that rubbish or do they have a point?
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both free and comprehensive-remove ALL other anti-virus programs first though
tueartsboots said:


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

both free and comprehensive-remove ALL other anti-virus programs first though

Cheers mate, so I should remove the McAfee that comes with the computer as well then?
All free, AVAST runs in the background, a but annoying when you boot up as it updates automatically, the rest of them you need to run them to check pc, SUPERantispyware lets you know when it needs updating, just update all of them weekly and you'll be ok. I get them to check my pc fortnightly, AVAST Monday, superantispyware Tuesday and malwarebytes when i feel like it. Zonealarm is better rated than the windows firewall.
Bellamy's Caddy said:
tueartsboots said:


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

both free and comprehensive-remove ALL other anti-virus programs first though

Cheers mate, so I should remove the McAfee that comes with the computer as well then?
Yes-McAfee will see them as malware but they are infact pretty much the best you can get. Microsoft essentials automatically checks for threats and updates accordingly
tueartsboots said:
Bellamy's Caddy said:
tueartsboots said:


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

both free and comprehensive-remove ALL other anti-virus programs first though

Cheers mate, so I should remove the McAfee that comes with the computer as well then?
Yes-McAfee will see them as malware but they are infact pretty much the best you can get. Microsoft essentials automatically checks for threats and updates accordingly

Brilliant, thanks a lot mate!
The best one available is nod32 as it has a heuristic scanner aka it "learns" patterns and algorithms of all nasty viruses. So it can stop "in the wild" viruses aka new viruses that most antivir cant detect.

Macafee is running on your pc, check task manager you will see stuff like "mcsheild.exe" and similar.

I am what you could call a geek or just net savvy, my security consists of...

windows sygate personal firewall.
combofix.exe (standalone tool, very powerful at cleaning infected machines)
only get combofix from

Blacklight - rootkit scanner from fsecure

dr web cureit

spybot search and destroy.

The last 4 are scanners and cleaners for already infected pc's, for live protection i use common sense, no anti virus apps, but if you defo want one nod32 is the best you can get.

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