Congrats to the United fan at 4:18


Well-Known Member
30 Jul 2009
South Stand 118 and NOT the Blue Alliance Liam!

Because you my friend, are one horrible bastard of a 'man'

Horrible shithouse kicking off on an old man.

Not to mention him nicking a flag as well.

Acting like a hardman while he's wearing a replica shirt from 5 years ago...horrible fat fucker, hope someone gave him his just desserts.
That video summed up the shocking abilities of the Met to police that game. When the coaches go past and our getting pelted with bottles and glasses they are just standing there head turned the other way clearly not assed. On 5.07 theres city fans walking past and they are getting abused by a large group of united supporters and yet its the City fan who seems to be getting a telling off from the police.
Completely agree I passed that pub and our coach was bottled it looks like the Met took advice from GMP I.e let the rag scum do what they want I hope that fucker dies who ate the flag ideally with his family on board as he drives back to Norwich or wherever he is from(as nobody deserves a father like that)

Oh well enjoy your video and I will enjoy my cup final day out.
Bunch of idiots.

Cant help but laugh when ratboy was on it and the scum fans says 'theres erm......Johnny Evans'

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