Congrats to the United fan at 4:18

Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Anyone who ever thinks a competitive match against united will be without incident is crazy. Generally speaking we hate them and they hate us. Football is tribal, is working class (however much the clubs try to make it middle class) and will always attract dickheads who have little purpose in life so latch on to groups. add to that 7 hours plus drinking and it's a recipe for disaster. 90% of both sets of fans wouldn't have been looking for any trouble but there are always those that will. United have more idiots than us that's for sure but we still have them. That video is 8 mins long and I can't see any punches being thrown just the usual posturing and verbals.

What would have happened if we had lost? Who knows...

As for the cans is this any different?
Check out this video on YouTube:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ata_player</a>

Unbelievable how quickly the cops reacted there in arresting city fans who threw stuff at that united coach , yet on the earlier video on this thread rags get away scott free with doing exactly the same thing ....... i hope that the MET have the common decency to review both of these videos , although i doubt whether they'll want any further attention drawing to their total inconsistencies!
black mamba said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Anyone who ever thinks a competitive match against united will be without incident is crazy. Generally speaking we hate them and they hate us. Football is tribal, is working class (however much the clubs try to make it middle class) and will always attract dickheads who have little purpose in life so latch on to groups. add to that 7 hours plus drinking and it's a recipe for disaster. 90% of both sets of fans wouldn't have been looking for any trouble but there are always those that will. United have more idiots than us that's for sure but we still have them. That video is 8 mins long and I can't see any punches being thrown just the usual posturing and verbals.

What would have happened if we had lost? Who knows...

As for the cans is this any different?
Check out this video on YouTube:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ata_player</a>

Unbelievable how quickly the cops reacted there in arresting city fans who threw stuff at that united coach , yet on the other video rags get away scott free from doing exactly the same thing ....... i hope that the MET have the decency to watch both of those , although i doubt whether they'll want any further attention drawing to their total inconsistencies!

I agree - another example of one rule for one etc....
This video 6.36



Video starts from 8 secs and only plays to around 52, but both look like City fans to me.

black mamba said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Anyone who ever thinks a competitive match against united will be without incident is crazy. Generally speaking we hate them and they hate us. Football is tribal, is working class (however much the clubs try to make it middle class) and will always attract dickheads who have little purpose in life so latch on to groups. add to that 7 hours plus drinking and it's a recipe for disaster. 90% of both sets of fans wouldn't have been looking for any trouble but there are always those that will. United have more idiots than us that's for sure but we still have them. That video is 8 mins long and I can't see any punches being thrown just the usual posturing and verbals.

What would have happened if we had lost? Who knows...

As for the cans is this any different?
Check out this video on YouTube:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ata_player</a>

Unbelievable how quickly the cops reacted there in arresting city fans who threw stuff at that united coach , yet on the earlier video on this thread rags get away scott free with doing exactly the same thing ....... i hope that the MET have the common decency to review both of these videos , although i doubt whether they'll want any further attention drawing to their total inconsistencies!
its exactly the same consistencies we see with GMP when we play the scum either at our place or theirs
we get little protection and are in trouble if we stand our ground

true story: on the way home from the swamp i was crossing the road and a van nearly ran me over as he came out of a junction, he was in a scum shirt. I gave them the finger, pretty reasonable as they could have killed me and then a copper came over to give me a bollocking!!!! i asked him why he wasn't talking to the idiot who's driving was soooooo poor. So the cop threatened to arrest me, presumably for causing a mess on the van's bonnet.
I found out lastnight that the Royton rags with a few of their rent a mob got a very good shoeing off some of our old boys after the match.
squirtyflower said:
black mamba said:
Unbelievable how quickly the cops reacted there in arresting city fans who threw stuff at that united coach , yet on the earlier video on this thread rags get away scott free with doing exactly the same thing ....... i hope that the MET have the common decency to review both of these videos , although i doubt whether they'll want any further attention drawing to their total inconsistencies!
its exactly the same consistencies we see with GMP when we play the scum either at our place or theirs
we get little protection and are in trouble if we stand our ground

true story: on the way home from the swamp i was crossing the road and a van nearly ran me over as he came out of a junction, he was in a scum shirt. I gave them the finger, pretty reasonable as they could have killed me and then a copper came over to give me a bollocking!!!! i asked him why he wasn't talking to the idiot who's driving was soooooo poor. So the cop threatened to arrest me, presumably for causing a mess on the van's bonnet.

I can't believe how inconsistent the Police are in these videos. I don't agree with City fans throwing cans and bottles at coaches but unbelievable how the Police steam in with numbers yet when it's the rags doing it they stand and watch. And that video of one lone City fan raising his arm at a pub full of rags who are abusing him and what do the cops do, go and have a word with him. Absolute joke. And the Met Police still haven't replied to me about my car being attacked. Probably too busy playing with their speed cameras.
Ricster said:
You should be banned from this site, and if you ever want to come and introduce yourself to me,and we'll see how many times you can say that word before i knock your fucking teeth down the back of your throat!

He did get banned.

Your reaction though is so over the fucking top.

Do you also get banned for threatening to "knock someone's fucking teeth down their throats"?

I take it you go round COMS on a matchday "knocking teeth down throats" all the time?

No.......didn't think so.
blueinsa said:
Ricster said:
You should be banned from this site, and if you ever want to come and introduce yourself to me,and we'll see how many times you can say that word before i knock your fucking teeth down the back of your throat!

He did get banned.

Your reaction though is so over the fucking top.

Do you also get banned for threatening to "knock someone's fucking teeth down their throats"?

I take it you go round COMS on a matchday "knocking teeth down throats" all the time?

No.......didn't think so.

How's it over the top? I bite. People know that on this forum. I write what comes into my head in the heat of the moment. I even put down my seat number if he wanted to come and see me which i've now changed.

At COMS i go to watch a game of football, on here i dont expect to see that vile word used when one of our own has died in it, or does that not bother you?
the media will always turn a deaf one when it comes to these scumbags, the reason is money? tv skycards, papers overall sales, pundits keeping in the good books, we have overall a truly gutless gravytrain football media who will not tell it as it is, everyone is looking out for themselves and the funny thing is 75% of the country believe it?

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