Once you reach a certain position you become a virtue signaller because these days being a hypocrite means little when all is said and done because the people you meet , mix with and lifestyle you want for your children which is always more than what you had for yourself means its a never ending cycle and story.You know what he could do, he could completely abolish the monarchy and become a normal pleb like the rest of us. The same thing applies to all of these celebrities, they could instantly do tons for the climate by giving up their rich lifestyles and redistributing all of their money to climate research/technology/causes.
The fact is though they aren't going to do it and they aren't going to do it just as much as I'm probably not going to give up having a steak this weekend.
As long as the rich get richer and the poor get the picture climate change for the elites , corporates , celebs will be nothing more than virtue signalling and they would be the first to complain if their lifestyles were powered by solar and wind and eating insects and getting around by shanks pony for example which we all know will never happen even if they dedicate their spare change to causes and research.