Copenhagen Tales Wanted

i flew manchester to frankfurt hahn where i met my dad who beiing clinically insane decided he was going to drive to denmark. It took 13 hours driving from germany, we drove through the night and arrived in copenhagen at 1pm on thursday. We then went to town etc. watched the game, then wandered around aimlessly in the snow trying to find the hotel at night. Woke up 8:00 to drive back home, we stopped at a service station and drove on for a further 6 hours by which time my sister realised she'd left her hand bag at the service station 6 hours away ... my dad had to drive back to get them, and then carry on to england. Only got home after the liverpool game.
I set off to work around 8am, worked all day finally arriving home around 5.45, bit of struggle detting into the bathroom, kids everywhere. manage to sneak past the security at the front( wife) and arrived in the pub in perfect time to watch the match and the hosts were great could learn a thing or 2 as far as beer prices and encouraging a good atmosphere but all in all a pleasant experienc,,,would have no doubts about returning there for future events...
julio jordio said:
I met what will hopefully be my future wife in the Dubliner pub.
That was by far the highlight of a brilliant trip!

was it the little irish bird who worked there with dark hair?......if it was then it is also my future wife ;)
My trip consisted of
Drive Mcr to Stanstead for early Thursday flight over.
Airport in Copenhagen was spot on,a few peoplegiven the Football leaflet telling you what was deemed as not acceptable.
Train straight from Airport to City Centre and short walk to Kong Fredrick Hotel just off the top of the pedestrian way.
Staff at Hotel very welcoming and had info where everything was.
Went into town in afternoon and did the Irish Rover and Dubliner and everyone was in good spirit and Police were present but kept it low key as should be. They would come into the pubs (in 2's) have a look around and go back out.
Got taxi early to the game and was met near the Stadium by heavily snow covered pavements. This was a narrow area right behind the stand that the City fans were sat. On one side there was a temp erected steel fence due to the building work going on. From here you entered in to a very uneven under foot walk way where FCK stewards and City Stewards were advicing everyone to be careful.
Once inside the stadium we were met by NETTING just infront of the away fans section.(sat high up as far left as could go due to the non segragation(Norway/Swedish City fans on other side of segregation anyway)

On exit after game it was very poor again due to limited exit points in temp fencing.
Once away from ground took ages to get taxi in the snow.
Back in town went into a bar called Str*****? I think and was treated to live music and City songs in between, was great atmosphere,

Next day centre of town alot busier and people very friendly as day before.
All told great place(exspensive to UK ) and very welcoming people.
I think that the police were actually quite helpful giving us some helpful information in the pubs before the game, however the setup around the ground wasnt good, all the city fans had to go into an area behind a fence to be searched however this wasnt signposted so everyone was walking to the section where we had to go in only to find it was fenced off and then have to walk right round the car park to get in, i also think that the stewards were a didnt care as i saw some of them smoking in the seats even though we were told on the way in that there is no smoking. All the locals were very helpful and we had one walking us round the city to find our hotel and he wouldn't leave us until he found it for us, they liked a drink but were very friendly and wanting to have a drink with the city fans. Also the transport system was fantastic with every train exactly on the minute it said and running often.

I thought the Police were excellent, really friendly, firm but fair.

Good welcome at the airport with the booklet "Welcome supporters of MCFC". Good info on it, but could have been more. Told you the trains/buses to get, but not how to get the tickets, how long were they valid for etc.

Stadium organisation was poor, as prevously said, no signage, even temporary as they are rebuilding one side. Ended up walking all over the place.

Was told that smoking was allowed in the stadium by the stewards, of which I only saw 2 and they were dis interested...Theirs not City's.

Stupid idea having no allocated seats, Therefore anyone getting in late on, which was most due to the poor organisation outside had to stand around the entrances/gangways.

Poor organisation after it too, no buses laid on, even with a cost would have been better. No mass walk back to the train station either, loads of trains though, every 5 mins or so.

Locals really friendly, all of them speaking better English than most of us!!

Food and drink really expensive, ranged between 5 and 8 quid a pint...plenty of places though, and no last orders at 11 like they'll get at our place which is really embarassing I always think.

And no programmes?...odd that.

Beer served directly outside the stadium too, why don't City do this!?

Anyone who doesn't like sausages would struggle though in this city..but a great place with nice people if a bit pricey.
English fans are the only fans in Europe to turn up to games minutes before kick off and end up queing to get in. We learnt this lesson in Spain, so got into the stadium early. Also, we had been told that there was only 2 turnstyles open for the City fans.
No problems getting in, getting through security wasn't a problem. We managed to get a seat right up at the back of the stands. It was great.
i went with flight options and prefered the traveling arrangements this time . Going the day of game and home the next day . I dont think the police policed it well and my FEET are just getting back to normal from the cold . Im back to wearing socks on there own and not with gloves on top . Had a good laugh in the game with spiderman . Just missed city players on way out of mcr airport all the lads got pics of robbie and bellamy ..

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