Corluka: Spurs are a bigger club than City

Pigeonho said:
Player in supporting his club shocker.

What's he going to say, City are bigger than Spurs?!

Fans in defending their club shocker.

What are we supposed to say, he's spot on?!
Berkovic_blue said:
Tottenham defender Vedran Corluka believes his club are still bigger than Manchester City, despite the Blues' financial muscle.

The Croation spent a year at Eastlands before moving to White Hart Lane on the same day City were bought by the Abu Dhabi United Group.

But although City are now the richest club in the world, Corluka insists he has no regrets about jumping ship.
No regrets: Vedran Corluka (right) moved from Manchester City to Tottenham

No regrets: Vedran Corluka (right) moved from Manchester City to Tottenham

Corluka claimed when he joined Spurs that they were a bigger club than City - and he has seen no reason to change his mind.

'I still think that,' he said. 'The fans are a little bit more close to the club here than at City. I have nothing against City and I had a great time there but when I played for City, the stadium wasn’t always full, whereas here, you never see that.

'Here, the stadium is full even when we play friendlies, so you can see that there is more passion for the club here than there is there. The most important thing for Spurs now, though, is to keep this team together and to add some players, not to sell two players and then try to rebuild the team because then it’s a hard thing to do.'

'When you have a squad that have been here for a while and you just bring in the players you need - the manager will know them - then it’s much easier. If we stay together for a long time it’s easier to achieve bigger things because we will know each other so well.

'Everyone wants to play in the best competitions but we need to try to achieve that here, not think about leaving the club to go somewhere else,' added Corluka. 'We need to try to put the club in the Champions League next year.
Crocked: Corluka suffered an injury against Milan at the San Siro

Outspoken: Corluka had a confrontation with a fan when Tottenham played Stoke

“I’m good friends with Luka [Modric] and I don’t see any desire there that he wants to leave the club. When I have spoken with him, he has never said that he wants to leave Spurs. He knows he is an important player here, everyone likes him and I think he wants to achieve good things.

'But, of course, he will expect maybe a couple more signings to be added to this team. I have known him since he was 14, and even then you could see he was a quality player but now he’s showing it in one of the toughest leagues and you see that he is probably one of the best in his position.'

Corluka has struggled with injuries to both ankles this season that left him unable to play more than once a week.

But he remains Harry Redknapp's first-choice right back and is confident that Spurs can fight it out at the top of the table next season.
Crocked: Corluka suffered an injury against Milan at the San Siro

Crocked: Corluka suffered an injury against Milan at the San Siro

'As for next season, it’s difficult, but with some investment, of course, we could be there to compete,' Corluka added.

'It’s hard to say we can win the league in a certain period, though. We need to think positively and to think we can do it but when, we don’t know.'

What a dickhead, clearly still bitter. Also Spurs are not close to selling out every single game

And WHL holds nearly 12k less than COMS, which seems to be forgotten when Spurs fans, players and the media are jizzing over how often the fill it.
Pige how about just not mentioning it. You never hear any of our players talk about another club do you, but every manager, player, journalist seems to have carte blanche to take up opinion about us.

Take note of Joe Hart when asked if he thought that united winning the title had overshadowed our celebrations he said that he wasnt concerned with what united did as the day was about the city.

How about everyone just talks about their own club. He could have said no comment im now a spurs player lets talk about that yet he chose to put the boot in so in essence he derserves what he gets
Did he see the Spurs away end last week?

Has he seen the table?

Has he seen us winning a cup on Saturday?

Has he seen some of Europe's finest players playing for Manchester City?

Has he seen that our stadium holds 10,000 more than Spurs?

Mustn't get out much that lad!
Good footballer, but makes Kolarov look like Usain Bolt. Ran off to Laaandaaan to be with his special friend Luka.

Not sure why anyone thinks we'd care what he thought though. Top 3 looking likely, FA Cup silverware. Have a pop Vedran, we can take it. Plus, it stops everyone talking about how the battle for 4th was over before it began, and so quickly became Spurs' struggle for fifth.

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