Corluka: Spurs are a bigger club than City

BoyBlue_1985 said:
Pigeonho said:
Player in supporting his club shocker.

What's he going to say, City are bigger than Spurs?!

He could say fuck all

Exactly, he didn't have to say anything. He didn't have the balls to make these comments before they played us at at our place though did he?! He was a decent player, but would rather have Richards and Zabaleta. Hope he enjoys sour grapes, he's going to be eating them for a while to come.
Corluka is a decent bloke and he was crying when he left so let's not pretend he's a ****. I don't think there's anything too bad in his comments personally, but someone needs to tell him that we've had a takeover since he left, we're getting full houses, we've started winning things and we're gonna be playing champs league footy

Incidentally, he's had a very poor season by the looks of things for spurs. I never felt he was suited to full back n the prem. come to think of it I seem to remember a lot of people on ehre wanting him back and to get rid of Zab not long after Zab arrived...
I thought he was decent for us.

But now he is seriously deluded! Fans are closer to the club than us? He must know that he's talking shit there!

'Eff him, Micah is a far better right back than him.
These kinds of claims never get to me. What was he supposed to say? So long as we collect Luka this summer it is all good :)

He can say all he wants
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Sad to read his comments,as I had a lot of time for him at CoMS.
I appreciate that he has to appease the Shite Fart Lane bagel boys,but there is no need to go as far as he does here.
What next - a half time circumcision to prove his undying loyalty?

Hahaha, how have I not heard that nickname before. I like it, slightly childish but deffo funny :D
Do you lot not know he took a pay cut in order to play for the great team that is Spurs?

Oh, hang on no he didn't he signed a contract for MORE money - so that means they ARE a bigger club.

***skips off down the road singing zippidy doo dah***

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