Corluka: Spurs are a bigger club than City

Why did he feel the need to comment one way or another? What's he supposed to say? He's supposed to say fuck all. He should have more respect.
Pigeonho said:
Player in supporting his club shocker.

What's he going to say, City are bigger than Spurs?!
exactly, i dont care what he has said ,only care what current city players say.
I used to really like him till I read that,they probably are bigger than us certainly trophy wise.However that was then,this is now,and anyone associated with Spuds
should be shitting themselves.Missing out on the Champions League is going to severely derail Levy's master plan,I expect 'Arry and his chairman to be at war all through the close season.The former wanting to buy,the latter wanting to sell.
Good luck Breadvan.
He has a point, Spurs are a big club. Sadly, they have not won the FA cup or quallified for the CL. I hope their sense of "bigness" will in some small way help to compensate for this.
I don't see Micah spouting about how City are bigger than Wolves, Zaba spouting about how City are bigger than Leeds or Nigel spouting about how City are bigger than SheffWeds... We don't go on West Ham's forums, SheffUtd's forums or Forest's forums spouting about how City are a bigger club than them... So why are other players and fans constantly talking about how their clubs are bigger than City?

Fuck off! We don't need to hear your opinions!<br /><br />-- Fri May 20, 2011 7:39 pm --<br /><br />
Helmet Cole said:
He has a point, Spurs are a big club. Sadly, they have not won the FA cup or quallified for the CL. I hope their sense of "bigness" will in some small way help to compensate for this.
He is right, Spurs are a big club. So are Chelsea, Sunderland, Newcastle, Villa and Everton. So are a number of other clubs. But our players and us fans don't feel the need to constantly talk about how big we are!
He has a point about the stadium not always being full... I bet he wishes he was still at City though.

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