Corluka: Spurs are a bigger club than City

I honestly don't understand why players like Vedran Corluka have to come out every 6 months and say "City are this, City are that" At the end of the day he was a Manchester City player, he played pretty well the entire season and brilliantly with Croatia, and he either forced through a transfer to be with Luka Modric, or Thaksin Shinawatra forced him out, something the newspapers were reporting at the time and 5.5M when we paid 8M was a silly out-going transfer when he seemed to have improved at our club.

He held no bad blood with the City supporters at the time, everyone seemed to like him. I would expect this kind of thing to happen with players like Robinho, Adebayor etc due to various problems with the management team but not from a player who played consistently well over the season, the fans backed him through the season and there were no previous reports that he was unhappy at Manchester City. It's annoying when players like this feel the need to try and put a downer on our club by trying to criticise Manchester City and the fans in a interview which seems to be repeated every 6 months with this guy.
Corluka is just a jerk seeking attention so the easiest way through the media is to say something controversial and untrue.
Worked though has it not ? Got our attention.
Maybe the clown is angling for a move and through the media is flagging up he is still alive.
Who cares, if he thinks the spuds are a bigger club than we are and means it so what, just proves that he is half witted to boot.
Am I the only one who thinks Hutton should be playing first choice over him?
Thats great, I guess we are all happy Corluka is at a bigger club, I'm sure most of us would sooner have Zabba and...... we are in the champoins league so winwin all around.

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