Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Care homes, work and in-house transmission from the school and shopping superspread events before Christmas mainly.
Christmas didnt do much in the great scheme of things.
People mixing in households etc.

I think over the last month this has been a real issue.

A mate of mine has said he knows so many people who had gatherings and parties for NYE.

He didn’t to be fair to him but got invited to a load.
Might have ready been mentioned, but apologies if that’s the case, however I’ve just read that one of the increased restrictions “potentially being brought in“ is a return to the 2 metre social distancing rule rather than the 1 metre plus.


That’s hysterical.

I despair.
It has been in Scotland I think. Maybe because the new variant is more easily caught?
You dont hear much about gloves but i have always worn single use ones , to the pharmacy etc , use sanitiser on them on the way in and out , right or wrong ? Any use or not ?
Been thinking about the masks.

They’re either not working much or without them we’d be even more screwed.
Just read this from CNBC, someone shared it on Twitter, although it seems it was written this moaning too.

The good news I’ve seen, is someone from Oxford University, who helped on the current one, said even if the current vaccine doesn’t work, they can amend it which should only take a month-6 weeks, to cope with mutations.
This approach is the basis for the seasonal flu vaccine.
You dont hear much about gloves but i have always worn single use ones , to the pharmacy etc , use sanitiser on them on the way in and out , right or wrong ? Any use or not ?

Advice I've seen is that gloves are as easily contaminated as hands, so offer little or no protection and may even be counterproductive. Only recommended in clinical settings.

Better to wash hands, or sanitise if soap/ water not readily available.
Whatever he says lets not overeact , we now have the carrot of the vaccine it is rightt here in front of us , shirley we can all hunker down and get on with it for hopefully one of if not the last lockdown,it has to be done , it should have been done weeks ago
im all for one last lockdown. But i fall into the category of 3 million who dont receive a penny in assistance if im stopped working (in peoples houses) . Im sat here torn between knowing its needed and worrying sick about how im going to put food on the table. Its a horrible.
Yeah I was trying to find the older data. they were highlighting 5 days as subject to change so I guess after 5 days its probably stable enough to count as done.

I'll be keeping an eye on that page for a while to see how its panning out. see if 30th starts to jump up. doesn't even show the last 4 days.
for many months pre-xmas, 5 days after a date pretty much guaranteed >95% (over 99% really) of all cases for that date. i thought it would be more chaotic and would take until the end of the week but looks like they're really on it.

as for the date reported, the 'Cases by date reported' graph is up to date showing today's 58.7k, but if you want to know how that 58.7k goes back through time, you need to dig around twitter etc (ask Healdplace maybe), i think they stopped publishing it on the NHS England site

edit: you can do it in the 'Download Data' section of the covid dashboard, it'll be fiddly if you cant use the API but it's all there
This approach is the basis for the seasonal flu vaccine.

Again forgive my ignorance, but what happens in the period where a vaccine evasive mutation first arrives (NOT when first noticed as these are 2 different things) and the end of that 6 week period or so where a new vaccine is not only produced but effectively rolled out to the population? Is there a potential for a catastrophic spread of infections during that period or the potential for further lockdowns every time this sort of thing takes place? Again, apologies if this sounds stupid.
This approach is the basis for the seasonal flu vaccine.
its estimated that 710k die with or a result of flu and flu like symptoms each year on average but could be as many as twice this amount in especially virulent ones.

Covid is like a really bad flu season more easily transmitted with a lot more media exposure.
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