we are not all in the same boat.
if you work in the public sector you have been on a 100% salary throughout this .
if you are a middle class family you are having nice family time. your kids are probably getting good home schooling , warm weather soon it’s going to be lovely .
If you are a family of 4 living in a tower block you won’t feel like we are all in this together and your kids are probably not getting a good home schooling experience , or any kind of happy families
if you have a little high independent street shop or restaurant in Manchester you think you can survive throughout this forever ?
don’t even get me started on footballers, soap stars and daytime tv hosts who not only can get on with their jobs and lives but seemingly all have their hairs nicely cut to a good style or styled for the females.
I thought all barbers and hairdressers were closed in the uk ? How is that possible ? Oh they are famous and on telly so that’s ok. Those rules just apply to us plebs.