Another 5 day lockdown in Melbourne and the whole of VIctoria because we have 13 cases in isolation of the new UK strain as a result of another hotel quarantine bungle.
More business ruined , no doubt many restrictions will be extended beyond the 5 days like last years 112 day full scale lockdown after a 28 day lock down and curfews because this CCP dictator would be after saying 2 days ago are quarantine is the envy of the world in typical sociopathic fashion.
No health advice released as per usual to justify crippling the State again , no cost benefit analysis
This dictator of a premier makes Donald Trumps rhetoric appear Mother Theresa like.
He has no clue and makes the likes of Boris Johnson seem like a top line administrator of Covid 19.
No truth , all fear , all bull shit saying this strain is super hyper when the same strain lead to one case in WA not transmitted and one case in QLD and they locked down as well albeit they had no blanket lockdowns previously.
In a communist state and that what Victoria is under the current regime in all but name a single individual out of control as this Premier is can bring the family unit and the economy to its knees in a very short time.
Eventually someone with some balls at a Federal level will have to step in and takeover the Victorian response to covid.
I have never seen such a disproportionate response to a health response where we have had no deaths for 5 months and 1 person in ICU who suffers from respiratory illness in any case
How would you go in the UK if you had a bloke like the premier in Victoria in charge of things?