Yeah, but funnily enough the pro Sturgeon people on here were lauding her and saying how great she was, and how fantastic she didn’t use the “offered” terminology that Boris was using.
Full. Of. Shit.
Yes some on here are indeed. Or politically opposed I guess.
I really do not like the way people personalise these attacks on those who report Nicola Sturgeon's data.
As in me mostly so I take this attack personally.
I have repeatedly said I do so not because of politics or nationalism etc. As I have zero involvement in Scottish nationalism and my political views are actually very fluid. I have voted for three different parties in the last three elections as I base my decision on policies not prejudice.
Yes - I suspect it is relevant the fact that she is a woman in a job and most of you are blokes so might not see why that would tip the scales a bit for me in giving leeway. I have been in meetings like Jackie Weaver too often to know how that tips the balance towards the men there when they never even notice it happening.
But if so any tilting of my opinion in here is subconscious not a real reason for me to be biased.
As I have repeatedly said in here the reason I report her is that she gives data in her daily presentations and that should hardly surprise anyone as to why I tune in.
As for the data. I report what she says good or bad and don't judge as this is not a politics thread.
But I also do not hide anomalies and recall posting (though nobody in here picked up on it) when she described numbers that added up to over 100% of people vaccinated in certain groups that she referenced to it being because the population data was out of date.
Seems odd that any government plans the most important vaccination programme in British history off the back of data they know to be incomplete.
So I will continue to report the data she posts and if some in here want to make silly remarks about my doing so and inferring it has any political basis that's up to them. But it will say more about their biases. Not mine.