Could the cases being stable but deaths coming down have something to do with vaccinations?
And younger people catching it whilst the over 80s are protected?
It would make sense of the data but its too early to be very sure the deaths are falling because of the vaccine more than say they are because we reduced cases rapidly a month ago by about 50% in 10 days.
We are probably still only in the very early phases of seeing the vaccine impact and IF that is really working the next 2/3 weeks should see very obvious drops in the over 80s deaths and some in the 60 - 79 age range too.
Problem is as numbers of deaths are falling fast the data is harder to interpret on very broad age ranges and low numbers as one or two cases make big differences. And, of course, those people due more anyway with or without covid and it is easy to skew data by assuming they died because of covid not with it.
The hospitalisation data is the real key.
That very clearly is dropping fast.
Scotland week to week down 250 from 1472 to 1222 in past 7 days. Just over 17% fall in a week.
Previous week it fell from 1794 to 1472 - which is 322 and just under18% fall in a week. Almost exactly the same in both weeks.
England week to week (to last night's data) down 4350 from 19. 983 to 15, 633 in past 7 days. 22% fall in a week.
Previous week it fell from 25, 334 to 19 983 - which is 5351 - 21% - so a very stable two week drop.
If this continues it is all that really matters and we can assess causes when the data allows.