Worse than petty, it is ignorant and mean spirited. Do you not think that everybody had made sacrifices?
Protection of the NHS is/was as important as protection of the vulnerable. 3 million ppl who need treatment for other conditions such as cancer have had to postpone. Some have died waiting. I normally go 4 times a year to hospital for specialist treatment. This year I have had one telephone appointment, end of. Result: constant pain and loss of mobility, but you wont hear me complain.
Think also of grandparents,for example, who have not seen their families for a year. And the middle aged lady who worked at a locked down shop, has she not sacrificed?
I have sympathy for the young, especially in terms of their education, but it is nonsense to suggest that others have not sacrificed so much.
I am guessing from the tone of your post that you are young and feel you and your cohort have given up more than others.
It is not so.