The problem here is the NHS is not fit for purpose and they are using covid as a smokescreen. We keep being told this new scariant might overwhelm the NHS. The NHS is already overwhelmed. The total number of NHS hospital beds in England has more than halved in the past 30 years, from around 299,000 in 1987/88 to 141,000 in 2019/20. In 1988, the UK population was 56.9 million. Today, it’s 68.4 million.
At the moment more than 10,000 beds are occupied by seniors who are ready to be discharged, but can’t be, because the social care crisis means that there is a massive shortage of carers available to look after seniors in their own homes.
Neither covid nor Winter flu is overwhelming the NHS. It has been systematically destroyed by successive governments. It hasn’t been mismanaged, it has been deliberately undermined
Imposing life-sucking, authoritarian restrictions on society has got nothing to do with protecting the National Health Service or keeping people safe. It’s all about the jabs.
6 million people are still unjabbed in the UK. These are the people that will be blamed and vilified for the reintroduction of lockdowns. Society will be calling for a mandate soon, and play straight in to their hands.