Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Seeing everyone will be offered the vaccine by sept now , what i am not hearing is whether this is a yearly vaccine , i think it will, sept will see the old and vulnerable will get vaccinated again, will there be enough for everyone ? Lots of questions floating in the air
They do not know until the impact on new variants is clear. And how much it mutates.

But I think most expect it will be at least every year or two and might need to be annual

This entirely new vaccine creation methodology we have used in record time allows for rapid tweaking to compensate so I firmly expect it to be part of the annual flu season type updating of vaccines to the most vulnerable - or maybe every few years like with pneumonia jabs if we are lucky.

Though probably only free to the over 60s and most vulnerable under 60 as now - but available to buy otherwise. Like with flu.

The biggest positive out of all this is that because of the global urgency ten years of vaccine development have occurred in a few months and THAT will have a long term impact on future vaccines not just for Covid. It may even end up long term saving more lives than Covid has claimed from other breakthroughs it will lead to with other diseases.

That would be a fitting epitaph for the two million globally who have died.
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I see latest numbers are 38 million global vaccine doses administered of which the UK has contributed about 4 million. Four times any other European nation.

Where I live, we have just hit 100,000 total vaccinations. The country is 6 or 7 times smaller than the UK but it's still a pretty pathetic effort. They are aiming to have the whole country done by Spring 2022. I think most EU countries are way behind the UK in that regard.

I have my elderly mum booked in for Monday morning and 2nd jab on 8th Feb so that will be a bit of a relief (assuming they don't cancel her appointment again).
Wales data first up:

48 deaths. It was 45 last Sunday.

1172 cases. It was 1660 last Sunday.

At 7,7% positive. Which is good.

The Weekly Pop for Wales that they now report daily has fallen again. It has been falling now for at least a week.

Last Wednesday it was 417. Friday 372. And today 322.

This is exactly the same measure as I give for all ten boroughs in GM in my nightly reports. Tells you relative progress up or down week to week. So steady falls like that mean real progress.

Wales are really now much improved (as the Swansea data I post nightly for a reader also shows).

Indeed today their national number has now gone below that of all ten GM boroughs for the first time.

Oldham at 333 is best in GM as of last night and Manchester at 485 the worst.

Once you get over 500 you are in red watch area consideration by the government.

By comparison much of the southern areas have been up around 1000 - 1300 - VERY high - since Christmas- but all now falling and most well below that by now.

A few places in the NW like Knowsley and Liverpool and Wirral have been up there but have started falling.

GM is trending up - but slowly - and as you see right now not close to being in real trouble happily,
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How are doing @tolmie's hairdoo ?
Remember you mentioned those horrific coughing fits and I’m similar at the moment. Bit of bloody fork but nothing else but I end up wrenching.
Suppose this is my body trying to exorcise the bloody demons.

@Mon Autre - you had similar symptoms to me I recall - how long did the worse but last mate?
My tinnitus has flared up too (always during illnesses) compounding my mood :(

the lethargy is surreal.

Sorry to hear you going through it mate.

Strong Codeine Linctus will help with the coughing fits. It's horrible stuff and will make you feel a little spaced out, but it does have an impact.

Wish I could tell you when coughing stops, but now almost a month for me, everyone is different.

Just don't do any strenuous exercise (whatsoever) even if you start to feel up to it - it will remind you very quickly that your lungs needs a sustained holiday.

I did find some short temporary relief sleeping on my front to try and help my lungs, but anybody with serious coughing will tell you that it becomes too uncomfortable after ten minutes or so.

Get a soluble Vit C and Zinc multivitamin tablet in you each morning, dose between paracetamol and ibuprofen, keep speaking to your GP if you bring up any blood in coughing, which I did, even if just to put your mind at rest.

And keep resting, loads of it. I intend to take the entire month off. I'd not had a day off work or a holiday for a couple of years and my immune system was clearly wanting to tap me on the shoulder and let me know I was running on empty.

Best wishes.
Mrs has just had a positive test result back from yesterday.

She's got very mild symptoms; slight upset tummy, slight cough and feeling a bit groggy. Nothing for me yet, test on its way through the post...

Rather hoped we'd get through the whole show... Made a note in my diary. Simply says: "Bugger".
For anyone who lost their sense of taste/smell, how long did it last? And did it come back as quickly as it left or more a gradual thing? Not much to enjoy when you're stuck in isolation, meals was at least one thing I looked forward to in a day.

Lost mine for about 2 days I think it was (back in March so memory isn't great!)
Was unwell for about 3/4 days which curbed my appetite, and then when I started to feel better and actually want to eat something that's when my sense of taste and smell had gone.
It was a pretty quick loss, but it also returned just as quickly, wouldn't say it was gradual for me on either losing or regaining it.

It's a proper mind-fuck when you're eating cos you know exactly what it should taste like, whatever it is you're having.
Remember doing some beef super noodles once my appetite started to return and wanted something easy to do and eat. It was like I'd forgotten to sprinkle the flavour powder sachet over them.
Having a bacon sandwich was depressing cos a lot of the enjoyment of that is that lovely bacon smell.

I've mentioned before but I really wish I used that senseless window to eat some healthy stuff I don't like :)
Mrs has just had a positive test result back from yesterday.

She's got very mild symptoms; slight upset tummy, slight cough and feeling a bit groggy. Nothing for me yet, test on its way through the post...

Rather hoped we'd get through the whole show... Made a note in my diary. Simply says: "Bugger".

Best of health to you both.
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